GeneratedPrivateKey (System function)

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Generate an RSA private key (System class)

[Requires Janus Network Security]

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%privateKey = %(System):GeneratedPrivateKey[( [[Length=] number], - [[Exponent=] number], - [[Salt=] string])]

Syntax terms

%(System) The class name in parentheses denotes a shared method. GeneratedPrivateKey can also be invoked by a System object variable, which may be Null.
Length This optional, name allowed, parameter specifies the number of bits in the private key. The value must be at least 64 and no greater than 2048. The default is 512.
Exponent This optional, name allowed, parameter specifies the number of bits in the public exponent (E). This must be either 3 or 65537 (X'10001'). The default is 3.
Salt This optional, name allowed, parameter is a string that contains seed data for a random number generator.

Usage notes


See also