FUNMTASK parameter

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Dispatch Fast/Unload on M204 task

The FUNMTASK parameter specifies whether Fast/Unload requests are to be executed on a z/OS subtask or on one of these: the Model 204 maintask, an MP/204 subtask, or the zIIP support SRB.


Default value
0 (1 under VM/CMS, and cannot be set to 0 under VM/CMS)
Parameter type
Where set
On User 0's parameter line
Related products
Model 204 V7.6


Setting Meaning
0 FUSI requests are executed on a z/OS subtask, that is, not on the Model 204 main task, nor on an MP/204 subtask, nor on a zIIP support SRB.
1 FUSI requests are executed on some "M204 task," that is, either the Model 204 main task, an MP/204 subtask, or the zIIP support SRB. With this setting, a FUSI request will run:
  1. On a zIIP support SRB, if the Online load module is authorized for the Fast/Unload HPO and the zIIP support products


    • In order for there to be any zIIP support SRBs, the AMPSUBZ and NMPSUBZ parameters must each be greater than zero.
    • If the conditions for running on a zIIP support SRB are met and the FUSI request is running in a single-user Online, the following parameter settings are recommended:
      • NMPSUBS=0, AMPSUBS=0
      • NMPSUBZ=1, AMPSUBZ=1
      • SCHDOPT=X'62'
  2. Otherwise, on an MP/204 subtask, if the Online load module is authorized for the MP/204 product
  3. Otherwise, on the Model 204 main task.

Note: Under VM/CMS, the FUNMTASK parameter is forced to 1.