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Convert datetime number of seconds/300 to string

Note: Many $functions have been deprecated in favor of Object Oriented methods. There is currently no OO equivalent for the $Sir_N2Date function.

The $Sir_N2Date function expects a numeric datetime argument containing a number of seconds/300 since January 1, 1900, and a datetime format string. It returns the date represented by the first argument, in the format corresponding to the second argument. $Sir_N2Date accepts an optional error control string and returns the null string if an error is detected.


%dat = $Sir_N2Date(datn, fmt, errctl)

Syntax terms

%dat Set to the datetime value string, using format specified by fmt, corresponding to datn, unless an error is detected.
datn Datetime number containing a signed number of seconds/300 since January 1, 1900.
fmt Datetime format string. Refer to "Datetime string formats" for an explanation of valid datetime formats and valid datetime values.
errctl Optional error control string; refer to "Datetime error handling".

Usage notes

  • The inverse of this $function is $Sir_Date2N.
  • $Sir_N2Date returns a null string in the following cases (see the discussion in "Datetime error handling"):
    • fmt is not a valid datetime format.
    • datn out of range.


The following fragment prints the string 07/31/84:

%x = $Sir_Date2N('8407301230', 'YYMMDDHHMI') * Add 15 hours: %x = %x + 300 * 60 * 60 * 15 Print $Sir_N2Date(%X, 'MM/DD/YY')

Products authorizing $Sir_N2Date