AddHeader (Email subroutine)

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Add an SMTP request header (Email class)


email:AddHeader( header, value)

Syntax terms

email An Email object.
header A string expression that names an SMTP request header, such as "Reply-To:" or "In-Reply-To:". Header names are case insensitive, but they should have a trailing colon.

Passing multiple occurrences is allowed: if a like-named header is already present, an additional occurrence is added.

value A string expression that yields a value for the request header.

Usage notes

  • Do not set "To:" or "CC:" headers using this method. These headers require special handling and are set using the AddRecipient and Add CC methods, respectively. The Mail method will not recognize recipients added with AddHeader.
  • Do not set Content-Type headers using this method. These headers require special handling and are set using parameters on the SetBody and AddPart methods. Specifying a header that has a "Content-" prefix causes a request cancellation.
  • The SMTP Helper adds a "Date:" header to an Email object instance by default if you do not explicitly add one with AddHeader. If a Date header is present at the time the mail method is invoked, it is left intact. The Date header generated by the SMTP Helper uses the system clock (usually GMT), adjusted by the GMT offset specified in the OS system parameters.
  • For an example that includes this method, see Basic e-mail example.

See also