BitAndInteger (Float function)

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Do bitwise And of integers (Float class)

[Introduced in Sirius Mods 7.9]

The BitAndInteger intrinsic function performs a logical AND on the bits of two integers.


%result = float:BitAndInteger( andBits)

Syntax terms

%resultA variable to receive the result of ANDing together the bits of float and andBits.
floatOne of the floats to be ANDed.
andBitsThe other float to be ANDed.

Usage notes

  • The BitAndInteger function is available as of Sirius Mods Version 7.9


The following statement checks whether the least significant bit of an integer is set. It sets %y to 1 if %x is odd and 0 if %x is even:

%y = %x:bitAndInteger(1)

See also