Host Language Interface (HLI)

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The Model 204 Host Language Interface (HLI) facility enables you to invoke nearly all the system functions from applications written in programming languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/1, Assembler, Pascal, and C.

Using the HLI facility, you can access Model 204 from a host language application and process against the database.

For more overview information, see Introduction to the HLI facility.

HLI programming topics

The topics listed below provide information on HLI programming, such as information on threads, database processing, and transaction processing.

These topics are directed primarily to the application programmer who is using the HLI facility for the first time.

The information about multiple cursor IFSTRT threads is provided for both first-time and experienced HLI application programmers who are using that functionality for the first time.

This list is also available as a "See also" link from each of the HLI programming topics.

HLI reference topics

The topics listed below provide HLI reference information, such as HLI job design and requirements, function calls, and completion codes.

This list is also available as a "See also" link from each of the HLI reference topics.