LoadChangedRecords (XmlDoc subroutine)

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Load ChangedRecords into this XmlDoc (XmlDoc class)

[Introduced in Model 204 7.8 βeta]

This subroutine adds to an XmlDoc object a subtree that contains all record numbers that were changed within the current transaction.


doc:LoadChangedRecords[( [Fields= boolean])]

Syntax terms

doc XmlDoc object
Fields Boolean value

If TRUE is specified, the fields from the changed record will be included within the subtree.
This record extraction is the same operation that is performed by the NewFromRecord shared function and by the Record class ToXmlDoc function,

This default value of this argument is FALSE.


As a simple example,

FRN %x change bar to ("BAR" %x) end for %doc = new %doc:loadChangedRecords(Fields=true) %doc:print

The XmlDoc would have a structure similar to the following:

<ChangedRecords> <Record version="version#" file="file" number="%x"> <field ...> ... first field from record %x </field> ... </Record> </ChangedRecords>

See also