MaxActionKey (Screen property)

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Return name of key that activated last screen read (Screen class)

The MaxActionKey property sets or gets the enumeration of the keyboard action key on this screen that has the highest equivalent numeric value.

Each action key, which activates a screen read, is identified by an ActionKey enumeration (Enter and pf1 through pf24). A key's numeric value is the number associated with its enumeration: for Enter this is 0; for pf1 it is 1; for pf2 it is 2, and so on.

MaxActionKey lets you limit the range of possible ActionKey enumeration return values you need to allow for in your program code (for example, if the values are the possible targets of a User Language computed JUMP TO statement as shown in "Screen object sample code").


%currentActionKey = screen:MaxActionKey screen:MaxActionKey = newActionKey

Syntax terms

%currentActionKey Gets the current value of the MaxActionKey property. Valid values are Enter and pf1, pf2, and so on through pf24. The value that is set initially is Enter.
screen A reference to an instance of a Screen object.
newActionKey Sets the new value for the MaxActionKey property. Valid values are Enter and pf1, pf2, and so on through pf24.

Usage notes

  • You can use the ActionKey class ToNumber method to convert ActionKey enumeration values to their equivalent numeric values.

See also