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Throw or don't throw WebScreenException exceptions on client errors.

SCREENTHROW and NOSCREENTHROW are parameters on JANUS DEFINE, which indicate whether or not WebScreenException exceptions are to be thrown on client errors.

Indicates whether or not WebScreenException exceptions are to be thrown on client errors. NOSCREENTHROW, the default, indicates that WebScreenException exceptions will not be thrown on client errors. When NOSCREENTHROW is used, client errors will typically result in a redisplay of the page in standard Janus Web legacy mode (NOXMLSCREEN) and a user restart in Janus Web Legacy XML mode (XMLSCREEN)

The SCREENTHROW and NOSCREENTHROW parameters are available in Model 204 7.6 and later.

You can override the SCREENTHROW and NOSCREENTHROW parameters on the JANUS DEFINE command on a URL basis using the like-named parameters in JANUS WEB SCREEN rules.

After a WebScreenException is thrown, the Janus Web inputs are still available to the application, so you can use SCREENTHROW to allow a Janus Web Legacy application to switch modes, by catching a response from a client that is not a response to the 3270 screen read page.

Valid only for WEBSERV ports.

See also