TranIn (Socket function)

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Translate a remote=encoded string to internal (Socket class)

This method translates an individual string, from the character set of the remote to the local internal character set (EBCDIC). Designed for cases where translation needs to be selective, the TranIn function has an effect similar to its equivalent $function, $Sock_Tran_In.


%string = socket:TranIn( string)

Syntax terms

%string String that is to contain the translation of the input string into the local character set.
socket A variable or an expression that is a reference to a Socket object.
string The string that is to be translated to the socket's local character set.

Usage notes

  • The translate table TranIn uses is the input table defined by the XTAB parameter of the socket.
  • The TranIn method can cause a jump to the ONRESET label or request cancellation, and it can set the last error information, but it does not return any error indication.
  • The TranIn method continues with the next statement if ONRESET CONTINUE, CANCELC, or LABELC is in effect for the socket. It always returns the translated string; it never returns an error indicator.
  • Typically, TranIn is used to translate into EBCDIC strings that are received from non-mainframe sources that use other character mapping schemes, like ASCII or non-English character sets.


In the following example, parsed but not translated lines are received into the %s variable, then translated, and printed in EBCDIC.

%sock is Object Socket %sock = New %old = %sock:Set('BINARY') Repeat %len = %sock:ReceiveAndParse(%s) If %len le 0 Then Loop End End If %xlate = %sock:TranIn(%s) Print %xlate End Repeat %old = %sock:Set('BINARY', %old)