WebReceive (XmlDoc function)

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Deserialize Web request into this XmlDoc (XmlDoc class)

[Requires Janus SOAP]

WebReceive converts an HTTP request received on a Janus Web Server thread from the text representation of an XML document to an XmlDoc tree (this process is called deserialization, because the text representation of a document is called the serial form). It returns a zero value if the deserialization is successful; it returns a non-zero value if deserialization is unsuccessful and the ErrRet option is used and the particular error is tolerated.


[%errorPosition =] doc:WebReceive[( [formFieldname], [fieldOccurrence], - [options])] Throws XmlParseError

Syntax terms

%errorPosition A %variable set to 0 if the deserialization is successful, or, if the ErrRet option is used, to the position within the uploaded data at which an error is found.
doc An expression that points to the XmlDoc to contain the deserialized representation of the XML document.
formFieldName The name of the form field associated with the "<input type=file>" tag in the HTML form, that is, the value of the "name" parameter in that tag. See the fieldname argument of $Web_Proc_Recv.
fieldOccurrence The number of the form field associated with the "<input type=file>" tag in the HTML form. See the occurrence argument of $Web_Proc_Recv.
options See the options argument of LoadXml.


This function can throw the following exception:

If the method encounters a parsing error, properties of the XMLParseError exception object may indicate the location and type of problem.

Usage notes


The following Janus Web Server program uses WebReceive to obtain the XML document from the HTTP request:

begin %d object xmlDoc %d = new %d:webReceive %d2 object xmlDoc %d2 = new %d2:loadXml('<sum>' With - %d:value('/*/*[1]') + %d:value('/*/*[2]') with '</sum>') %d2:webSend end

Request-cancellation errors

This list is not exhaustive: it does not include all the errors that are request cancelling.

  • The doc object is not EMPTY.
  • An options argument is invalid.
  • Insufficient free space exists in CCATEMP.
  • A syntax error occurred in the text string representation of the XML document (these are tolerated if the ErrRet option is specified).

See also

  • To deserialize a string, use LoadXml.
  • The subroutine that serializes an XmlDoc and sends it as a Web response is WebSend.