AddImage (Stringlist function)

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Add image as new Stringlist item (Stringlist class)

This callable method copies data from an image to a Stringlist. The AddImage method accepts one argument and returns a numeric result.


[%number =] sl:AddImage[( [imageName])]

Syntax terms

%number A numeric variable to contain the number of items in the indicated Stringlist after the string has been added to the Stringlist. %number is also the item number associated with the added string in the Stringlist.
sl A Stringlist object.
imageName A string that contains the name of an image or of any image item from the required image. This argument is optional if an image has been associated with the Stringlist by a BindImage. Otherwise, it is a required argument.

Usage notes

  • All errors result in request cancellation.


  1. The following example demonstrates how AddImage might be used:

    image cust name is string len 20 ssn is string len 10 bdate is string len 8 end image ... find records to %recset name = smith end find ... %list is object stringList %list = new for each record in %recset %cust:name = name %cust:ssn = ssn %cust:bdate = bdate %count = %list:addImage('CUST') end for

  2. A more efficient way of coding the For Each Record loop is:

    %list:bindImage('CUST') for each record in %recset %cust:name = name %cust:ssn = ssn %cust:bdate = bdate %count = %list:addImage end for

    In this last example, the BindImage associates the image with the Stringlist, eliminating the need to specify the image name on the AddImage invocation.

See also