Antilog and AntilogE (Float functions)

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These intrinsic functions return a number that is the natural anti-logarithm (or exponential) of the method object value. The result is the natural logarithmic base (e) raised to the power of the method object value.

AntiLog and AntiLogE are synonyms.

Available as of version 7.3 of the Sirius Mods, the AntiLog function is an object-oriented version of the $Exp function function.

AntiLog syntax

  %value = number:antiLog

Syntax terms

A numeric variable to receive the antilog of the method object.
A Float value.

Usage Notes

Although you might expect '%x:log:antilog' to return the value in %x, the good fit techniques used by the Log and AntiLog methods make the result not quite exact, as shown in the following example:

   2:log:antilog = 2.00000000023047
   3:log:antilog = 3.00000000017113
   4:log:antilog = 4.00000000047426
   5:log:antilog = 5.00000000057644
   6:log:antilog = 6.00000000069796
   7:log:antilog = 7.00000000056701
   8:log:antilog = 8.00000000047046
   9:log:antilog = 9.0000000010268
   10:log:antilog = 10.0000000005553


The following statement returns '1:antilog = 2.71828182845905'.

   PrintText {~} = {1:antilog}

See also

List of Intrinsic Float Methods