AppendFieldImages (Stringlist function)

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Add fields stored in image format to a Stringlist (Stringlist class)

[Introduced in Sirius Mods 7.8]

This callable function retrieves fields that are in repeating groups into Stringlist items mapped to a User Language image.


[%count =] sl:AppendFieldImages[( [Image= string], [FirstOccurrence= number], - [MaxOccurrences= number], - [Options= string], [NullValue= string])]

Syntax terms

%count This numeric variable is the number of items (extracted repeating group occurrences) added to Stringlist sl, or it is a (negative) status code.
sl A Stringlist object.
Image string
FirstOccurrence number
MaxOccurrences number
Options string
NullValue string

Usage notes

See also