AppendSignedClientCertificate (Stringlist function)

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Add base64 encoded signed client certificate to a Stringlist (Stringlist class)

[Requires Janus Network Security]

This callable method signs an X.509 client certificate request and adds the lines of the signed certificate to the end of a Stringlist. It requires a valid private key, certificate request, and signer.


[%rc =] sl:AppendSignedClientCertificate( [PrivateKey=] string, - [Request=] string, - [Signer=] string, - [[StartDate=] string], - [[EndDate=] string], - [[SerialNumber=] number], - [SignatureAlgorithm= digestAlgorithm])

Syntax terms

%rc An, optional, numeric variable that is set to zero if the function is a success. The possible return codes are described elsewhere in Return codes.
sl A Stringlist object.
PrivateKey This name allowed argument is a string or Stringlist that contains the private key to be used for signing.
Request This name allowed argument is a string or Stringlist that contains the base64 encoded X.509 certificate request.
Signer This name allowed argument is a string or Stringlist that contains a base64 encoded CA (certifying authority) X.509 certificate. If not specified, the Request value is used: that is, the certificate will be self-signed.
StartDate This optional, name allowed, argument is a string that contains the Start date for the signed certificate (in YYMMDDHHMISS format). The default is today's date.
EndDate This optional, name allowed, argument is a string that contains the End date for the signed certificate (in YYMMDDHHMISS format). The default is 24 hours from StartDate.
SerialNumber This optional, name allowed, argument is a numeric value that is the Serial number for the signed certificate. The default is a number guaranteed to increase by 1 for every call and guaranteed to increase from run to run, unless there is an extreme amount of signing occurrences.
SignatureAlgorithm This optional, name required, argument is a DigestAlgorithm enumeration value. Valid options are: MD5, SHA1, SHA256. The default value is SHA256 as of Model 204 7.7 (and zap maintenance for versions 7.6 and 7.5).

Note: Although supported and formerly the default, most modern browsers are deprecating SHA1.


See also

Stringlist methods:

String methods:

System methods:

Socket methods: