Copy (Regex function)

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Return a copy of a Regex object (Regex class)

This method makes a copy of the Regex object.

This method is identical to DeepCopy.


%outRegex = regex:Copy

Syntax terms

%outRegexA new Regex object
regex Regex object, which may be Null


The following make a copy of a Regex object and then uses it to do a match:

%regex is object regex %regex2 is object regex %str is longstring ... %regex2 = %regex:copy if %regex2:match(%str) then ... end if

See also

Is this a Unicode regular expression (Regex class)

This method indicates whether or not the regular expression used to create the Regex object was specified in Unicode.


%boolean = regex:IsUnicode

Syntax terms

%booleanBoolean value that indicates whether (true) or not (false) the regular expression used to constuct the Regex object was Unicode.
regex The Regex object


The following example:

b %regex is object regex %regex = new("(((Tomorrow|Today) is)|(Yesterday was)) Pie Day", options="i") print %regex:isUnicode %regex = new("((Tomorrow|Today) is)|(Yesterday was) π Day":u, options="i") print %regex:isUnicode end


False True

See also