Dictionary/204 messages

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Shared messages

Number Message text
SHR000Access to <subsystem name> facility is not authorized
Description: You are not authorized to use the facility you selected. Contact the administrator for that facility.
SHR001A facility may not invoke itself
Description: You have attempted to invoke the facility you are currently using. Correct the facility name.
SHR002The <facility name> facility is not defined
Description: You have attempted to invoke a facility that is not defined or is not installed.
SHR003The <facility name> facility is not currently active
Description: You have tried to invoke a subsystem that has not yet been started. Check the facility name. If you typed it correctly, contact the facility administrator to start the facility.
SHR004The <facility name> facility requires system managers privilege
SHR005Invoked facility <facility name> is no longer active
Description: The facility you invoked has been stopped. Contact the facility administrator to start the facility.
SHR006Invoking facility <facility name> is no longer active
Description: The facility you should have returned to after invoking another facility has been stopped. Contact the facility administrator to start the facility.
SHR010Enter a valid command or PF key
Description: You have made an error typing a command or have pressed a PF key that does not exist for the particular screen you are on.

Shared messages SHR011-SHR016 appear in response to scrolling commands.

SHR011At bottom
SHR012At top
SHR013At left
SHR014At right
SHR015No data to display
SHR016Scroll amount must be a positive integer.
SHR020ON ATTN was hit, Use PF3 to QUIt
SHR021<depends on the error>
Description: Unexpected Model 204 error. Consult the Rocket Model 204 Messages wiki pages.
SHR022Unresolved enqueue conflict, reenter command or quit.
SHR023Help text not found. Contact System Administrator.
SHR024This PFkey or command is not supported.
SHR025No defined action for ENTER key - please use PFkey or command-line.
SHR026More text follows...
SHR028Place search string on cmd line and press PF5 or precede with "LOC"
SHR029Search string not located in text below.
SHR031No help available from here
SHR100<subsystem name>: Version <version> - Subsystem starting
Description: This message is informational and is displayed by DICTIONARY and WORKSHOP facilities when they are started.
SHR110<subsystem name>: <err>: <error messages>
Description: A fatal error has occurred that causes the facility to terminate. Record the message and contact the system manager or the administrator of the facility that you were running.
SHR111<subsystem name>: GTBL full, forced quit
Description: The system has filled the global table during the execution of the facility. Contact the system manager or the administrator of the facility you were running.
SHR112WARNING: <filename> table B is xx% full. It has room for only yy additional records.
SHR113INFORMATION: <filename> has an additional nn pages available.
(FREESIZE = xx).
SHR114WARNING: <filename> has no additional pages available
SHR115WARNING: <filename> table D is xx% full. It has room for only yy additional pages.
SHR116WARNING: <filename> table A has had xx hashing retries.
Time for REORG?
SHR117WARNING: <filename> table C has had xx hashing retries.
Time for REORG?
DIC001Access to DICTIONARY facilities not allowed
DIC002Enter a valid number
DIC003Enter a valid command or a pf key
DIC010Global variable table is full. Please exit session

DDGEN messages

Number Message text
Run started
DDG001No filename entered, DDGEN run stopped
DDG002No workfile specified, DDGEN run stopped
DDG003Read statement failed, Status is:
DDG004Run has been cancelled
DDG005Unresolved FIND conflict, run cancelled
DDG006OPEN failed, skipping past filename:
DDG007DDGEN utility end for this filename:
DDG008File created under RELEASE 7.1 not supported in RELEASE 9.0 -
File must be transformed to RELEASE 8.0 OR 8.1 before processing
DDG009You are not authorized to view file parameters for
DDG010Open statement failed, Status is:
DDG011Error in reading procedure names, Status is:
DDG012Error in reading procedure alias names, Status is:
DDG01Illegal procedure name:
DDG015Insufficient DDGEN release. DDGEN run cancelled.
DDG016WARNING File created under 2.1 assumed.
DDG901Illegal error type, Status is:

DDMIG Facility messages

Number Message text
MIG001ON ATTN was hit.
MIG002Unresolved enqueue conflict, unable to proceed.
MIG003Invalid command syntax specified.
MIG004@1 does not exist in the dictionary
MIG005D204SYS is in use by another user, try again later.
MIG006@1 is being updated in filemgmt.
MIG007METADATA information already exists for @1.
MIG008DATALINK information already exists for @1.
MIG009No files have been exported.
MIG010@1 has not been exported.
MIG011All files have been deleted from D204SYS.
MIG012@1 has been deleted from D204SYS.
MIG013D204SYS has been updated since last LIST, do you want to continue? Y/N
MIG014Parameter for IMPORT must be one of: ALL, CHECK, or a filename.
MIG015Export record information incomplete, check status of D204SYS.
MIG016All files have been deleted from D204SYS.
MIG017BUG.........PAI INTO
MIG018The parameter for DELETE must be ALL or a file name.
MIG019Unable to open file D204SYS.
MIG020Export VERSION number does not match Import VERSION.
MIG021An invalid FILENAME was specified.
MIG023@1 has already been exported.
MIG024@1 has already been exported.
MIG025@1 has staged commands.
MIG026The following METADATA attribute fields are undefined:
MIG027Report file does not exist or incorrectly specified.
MIG028@1 already exists in the target-Dictionary.
MIG029Duplicate entities found for @1.
MIG030Error - check status of D204SYS.
MIG031A file name must be specified for EXPORT.
MIG032Import failed - the listed view(s) already exist in the dictionary.

Dictionary Administration messages

Number Message text
DIA001Select a valid command or a PF key
DIA002Select a valid number
DIA003Unresolved enqueue conflict, Reenter command or QUIt
Description: The record you are trying to access is currently being used by another user. You may retry the command now or wait until user is finished.
DIA010Use PF6 to DELete the entity type or PF3 to QUIt
DIA011Enter an account
DIA012An entry for that account already exists
DIA013There is no entry for that account
DIA014Use an X to indicate selections
DIA015Use PF12/END to update the DICTIONARY or PF3 to QUIt
DIA016Account has been added
DIA017Account has been updated
DIA018Account has been deleted
DIA019Maximum number of attributes has been added
DIA020Maximum number of references has been added
DIA021Enter entity type
DIA022A definition for that entity type already exists
DIA023Duplicate attribute value
DIA024References cannot be added to system controlled entities
Description: Users cannot update those entity types used by the system to maintain dictionary structure.
DIA025System reference types cannot be added
Description: The reference type you are attempt to add has the same name as a system reference type. Select another name.
DIA026Entity type <TYPE> has been added
DIA027Entity type <TYPE> has been updated
DIA028Entity Type <TYPE> has been deleted
DIA029There is no definition for that entity type
DIA030Duplicate Reference
DIA031Enter a path number
DIA032Enter a valid path number
DIA033Tagged items are invalid
Description: No dictionary entries exist for the tagged entity types.
DIA034Path already exists
DIA035The reference path has been defined
DIA036The reference path has been replaced
DIA037The reference path has been deleted
DIA040UNQUALIFIED NAME cannot be added as a user attribute
Description: UNQUALIFIED NAME is a system attribute and cannot be added as an attribute by a user. Select another name.
DIA041Invalid name for an attribute
DIA100Enter valid entity type or 'all'
Description: Either you have forgotten to name the entity type for which you want a report, or there is no dictionary entity for the named entity type.
DIA102Duplicate entity types found, contact Dictionary Administrator
DIA103Specify output destination for report
DIA104Specify Paper copy 'Y' or 'N'
DIA105Specify Path Information 'Y' or 'N'
DIA106Control Report Cancelled
Description: You have used PA1 to halt the Entity and Path Report.
DIA107This entity type does not participate in a path
DIA108There are no entity type definitions in the dictionary
DIA109There are no reference paths defined in the dictionary
DIA110There are no system relationships for this entity definition
Description: You are on the Entity Type Maintenance screen and have selected to report on entity that has no system relationships listed.
DIA111There are no optional relationships for this entity definition
Description: You are on the Entity Type Maintenance screen and have selected to report on an entity type that does not participate in any relationships with other entity types.
DIA112There are no system attributes for this entity definition
Description: You are on the Entity Type Maintenance screen and have selected to report on an entity type that does not have any system controlled attributes.
DIA115DICTADMIN Inventory Report is being sent to the output device
DIA201No facility record found for File Management
Description: You are attempting to update File Management command execution options, but the dictionary cannot find a record for File Management.
DIA202Choose one or more command options
DIA203Choose one default command option
DIA204Indicate a USE file and/or a procedure file
Description: You are on the File Management Commands Options screen and have selected the Inactive option without giving the name of a file to which procedures should be sent.
DIA205Use an X to select command options or defaults
Description: This message is displayed on the File Management Options screen when a user enters any character other than an X to indicate a selection on the screen.
DIA206 The default option must be one of the command options selected
Description: This message is displayed on the File Management Options screen when the user selects an option that was not previously selected as one of the option the installation would support.
DIA207USE or PROC Filename must not begin with a number
DIA208PROC Filename cannot begin with 'OUT' 'SYS' 'CCA' or 'TAPE'
DIA209USE Filename cannot begin with 'SYS' 'CCA' or 'TAPE'
DIA210Filename contains an invalid character
DIA211Enter one option: add, rename, or delete
DIA220No administration facilities are installed
DIA221Warning, more than 8 admin facilities are installed
DIA222Procedure name already exists.
DIA223Enter new name for rename.
DIA224Enter procedure name.
DIA229Procedure name does not exist.
DIA230Delete cancelled, press ENTER to continue
DIA240No change to values on screen update not performed
Description: You have not updated the screen, so no update to the dictionary is necessary.
DIA241VSAM TRANSPARENCY system tables have been changed
DIA242Input must be numeric
DIA243Input must be in valid range for table size
DIA250The VSAMT control record was not found
DIA255Update performed
DIA900Entry not found in dictionary for this file or procedure.

Dictionary Reports messages

Number Message text
DIR001Select a valid option number
DIR002Enter 'Y' or N for this option
DIR004Enter a valid command or PF key
DIR005No record with this type/name exists
DIR006Null entry not allowed
DIR007No such entity type exists
DIR008Enter 'X' to select this option
DIR009Null entity type not allowed
DIR010This entity type cannot be widened
Description: The WIDen command is available only for entity types with a file name prefix: RECORD, FIELD, FIELD GROUP, and PROCEDURE.
DIR011Select entity or enter QUIt
DIR012Additional entities appear on next screen - Enter selection(s)
Description: Indicates that the available entity types for the entity type report do not fit on one screen. Place an 'X' next to the entity type (s) you wish to select. Press enter to proceed to the next screen of entity types. When this message no longer appears, pressing enter will generate the report.
DIR015Select only one question and reenter
Description: You have entered information for more than one question on the screen. Delete the information from one question, and press enter to generate the report.
DIR016Enter query criteria or enter QUIt
DIR017Invalid entity type
DIR018No such entry in dictionary
DIR020Enter reference type
DIR021No such reference type exists
DIR022Select only 1 option and reenter
Description: You have entered information for more than one option on the screen. Delete the information from one of the options, and press enter to generate the report.
DIR023Enter query criteria or enter QUIt
DIR024Invalid entity type
DIR025No such entry in dictionary
DIR030Null keyword not allowed
DIR031Invalid entity type entered
DIR032Enter an option number - '1' through '4'
DIR033Invalid attribute entered
DIR034Attribute invalid with option selected
DIR035No user written procedures are available
Description: No user reports have been written for your installation. Press any PF key to exit from this screen and return to the Dictionary Reports main menu.
DIR036Additional reports appear on next screen
Description: Indicates that all available user written reports do not fit on one screen. Place an 'X' next to the report you wish to select, if it appears on this screen. If it does not, press enter to proceed to the next screen of user written reports.
DIR037Report <report name> not found. Notify dictionary administrator.
DIR038Enter an attribute

Documentation messages

Number Message text
DOC001Select a valid option number
DOC002No such entity type exists
DOC003No such entry exists
DOC004Enter a valid command or pf key
DOC005An entry with this name and entity type already exists
DOC006Entity type is system controlled and can only be updated
Description: The requested entity type is controlled by another facility. Entries of this type may not be added, renamed, copied, or deleted. Updating this entity type is allowed.
DOC007Enter 'Y' or 'N' for this option
DOC008This entry is currently in use by another user
DOC009Null entity type not allowed
DOC010Request cannot be processed - required records are in use
DOC011Documentation of this entity type is not authorized
Description: You are not a user of the facility which controls this entity type. Therefore, you may not update entries of this type.
DOC012Enter an entry name
DOC013Duplicate entries found for the tagged name.
Contact system administrator.
Description: DOCUMENT found more than one entry with this entity type and the name which has been tagged. Inform your system administrator of this error.
DOC014System controlled dummy entry - cannot be updated
Description: The entry found is a dummy entry of a system controlled entity type. This entry may be updated only by the controlling facility.
DOC015Duplicate control records for this entity type.
Contact system administrator.
DOC016"Copy from or rename" name must be different than entry name
Description: You entered the same name at the "Name:" prompt and the "Copy from or rename" prompt. Correct either name and reenter.
DOC017You are not authorized to modify any dictionary entries.
DOC020Entry has been added
DOC021Entry was not added - request was cancelled
Description: You entered QUIt from Delete Entry. The new entry has not been saved.
DOC022Entry not added - required records in use
DOC025Entry has been updated
DOC026Entry was not updated - request was cancelled
Description: You entered QUIt from Update an Entry. The new entry has not been saved.
DOC027Entry was not updated - required records are in use
DOC030Entry has been deleted
DOC031Entry has not been deleted - Request was cancelled
Description: You entered QUIt from Delete. The entry has not been deleted.
DOC032Entry not deleted - it is in use by another user. Try later
DOC033Entry was not found
DOC040Entry has been copied
DOC041Entry has not been copied - Request was cancelled
DOC042Entry not copied - a required record is in use. Try later
DOC043Entry not copied - entry to be copied was not found
DOC044Entry not copied - Entity type not valid
DOC050Entry has been renamed
DOC051Entry has not been renamed - Request was cancelled
DOC052Entry not renamed - a required record is in use. Try later
DOC053Entry not renamed - entry to be renamed was not found
DOC072Valid prefix commands are "I" and "D"
DOC073Null entity type not allowed
DOC074Entity type does not exist
DOC075Number on command line is not a valid scroll amount
DOC076Entry name is only valid widened item
Description: You entered PF6 (WIDen) without placing the cursor on an entry name field. Place the cursor on the entry name you wish to widen and reenter the command.
DOC077This is a system reference and cannot be added
Description: The reference type / reference name combination you have entered is controlled by another facility. You may not enter new references of this type.
DOC078References to staged entity types not allowed
Description: You may not specify references to a STAGED FILE, STAGED FIELD, STAGED RECORD, or STAGED FIELD GROUP. Enter the non-staged version of the entity type instead.
DOC079Entry does not exist - dummy entry will be added
Description: No entry exists with the specified entity type and name. If you save this reference, a dummy entry will be added for this entity.
DOC080Reference type is invalid for this entity type
Description: You may not add new references that have not been defined by the administrator.
DOC099Entity type does not have a file name prefix and cannot be widened
Description: The WIDen command is available only for entity types with a file name prefix: RECORD, FIELD, FIELD GROUP, and PROCEDURE.

File Management messages

Number Message text
FIM001 On Attention was hit, use PF3 or QUIt to exit
FIM002FIND CONFLICT, use PF3 to QUIt or re-enter command
FIM003Correct all tagged items, press ENTER to view messages
FIM004No changes have been made to the screen
FIM005Widen is not a valid command for this item
FIM006Invalid characters found in name
FIM007Unrecognized value entered. Field reset to value.
FIM008Enter the field name to be copied on the command line.
FIM009Field not copied. Unable to locate field.
FIM010Valid prefix marker is 'X'
FIM011Valid prefix markers are 'X' and 'D'
FIM012WARN: Field name will not be modified unless you mark the prefix
Description: You have modified some attribute of a field without entering an X for the prefix. If you do not enter X, your modifications will not be saved.
FIM013Information on line has not been completed
Description: You have not entered all the required information on a line on the screen. This error can occur on one of the list screens; for example, the Record Name List screen requires that you enter the record name and the number of records for that record.
FIM014Cursor is not on an input item
FIM015Use PF3 to cancel the DELETE | INITIALIZE COMMAND Command or PF12 to Process
Description: You have requested a DELETE or INITIALIZE command and must confirm your request by using PF12 to END or PF3 to QUIT.
FIM016Delete requested - use PF3 to cancel request
FIM017CURSOR not on valid value cycling field.
FIM018MIXED DBCS requires a minimum PREALLOCATED LENGTH of length bytes.
FIM019WARN: MIXED DBCS requires a minimum length of @1 bytes.
FIM020BUG: Number of datasets exceeds maximum allowed
Description: File Management only allows 100 data sets to be internally contained in 1 file. Notify Technical Support.
FIM021BUG: An Invalid Fileorg was found on file entry
Description: The Fileorg parameter in the file you are processing is not a valid Model 204 value. Notify Technical Support.
FIM022BUG: System error found in scrolling routine
Description: There is incorrect information in the scrolling records in the M204TEMP record which has been passed from the Field List to the Field Attributes process. Notify Technical Support.
FIM023DBCS PREALLOCATED fixed length must be even.
FIM024WARN: DBCS Average length must be even.
FIM025Conflicting attributes ORDERED NUMERIC and MIXED/PURE DBCS.
FIM026Conflicting attributes RECORD SECURITY and MIXED/PURE DBCS.
FIM027Conflicting attributes INVISIBLE and AT-MOST-ONE.
FIM028Conflicting attributes CODED FLOAT and PREALLOCATED.
FIM029item1 has been copied to item2.
FIM030A '+' is an invalid character for the tagged item
FIM031A '.' is an invalid character for the tagged item
FIM032You must enter a name to document
FIM033WARN: You have marked the prefix but have not changed the name
FIM034The tagged item(s) must be an integer
FIM035item has been copied.
FIM036At last field.
FIM037At first field.
FIM038NUMERIC VALIDATION must be selected with 1NF.
FIM090BUG: No entry was found for entity entryname
Description: The system has encountered a dictionary reference that has a missing entry record in METADATA. Contact your Dictionary Administrator.
FIM100Choose only 1: File, Field, Record or Field Group Maintenance
FIM101File is staged for Delete or Initialize
Description: You have requested an operation on a file that has been staged for deletion or initialization. If you wish to delete or initialize a file, you must first complete this process before invoking another command.
FIM102File has already been Created
FIM103File is staged for Create, Recreate or Initialize
Description: You have requested an operation on a file that has been staged for creation, recreation, or initialization. If you wish to create, recreate, or initialize a file, you must complete this process first before invoking another command.
FIM104File is staged with commands and cannot be deleted
FIM105There is no existing file by this name
Description: You have entered the name of a file that has not been created.
FIM106Field, Record and Field Group name only can be widened
FIM107File is staged with commands and cannot be recreated
Description: You have requested the RECREATE option on a file in which commands are staged. Until the staged commands in this file are executed, you cannot recreate the file.
FIM108File must have staged commands to proceed to Commands processing
Description: A file needs a staged command, e.g., record DEFINE or file CREATE to proceed to the Execute or Delete Commands screens.
FIM109Increase or Decrease invalid for this file
Description: You are requesting an increase or decrease to TABLE B or D for this file and the file does not yet exist; it is still staged for CREATE.
FIM110File is staged with commands and cannot be initialized
Description: File Management does not allow you to initialize a file that already has commands staged for it.
FIM111The file is already Secured
FIM112The file is not Secured - Desecure is invalid
FIM113Field has already been defined
FIM114File has no fields or records
FIM115There is no field to Redefine, Delete, or Rename
FIM116Field is staged for Delete - cannot Rename or Redefine (or delete)
FIM117Field is staged for Define - cannot Rename, Redefine, or Delete
FIM118There is no field by this name
FIM119Record has already been defined
FIM120Record has not been defined
FIM121There is no production record to Redefine, Delete, or Rename
FIM122Record is staged for Delete - cannot Rename or Redefine
FIM123There are no valid records to redefine or rename
FIM124There is no production record by this name
FIM125There are no valid records to Delete
FIM126Field Delete has already been requested
FIM127Record Delete has already been requested
FIM128There are no valid fields to Delete
FIM129Field is staged with commands and cannot be Deleted
Description: You have requested the DELETE option for a field that is staged for either RENAME or REDEFINE.
FIM130 Record is staged with commands and cannot be Deleted
Description: You requested the DELETE option for a record that is staged for either RENAME or REDEFINE.
FIM131The file is being changed by another user
Description: You have requested a change to a file that is currently being changed by another user.
FIM132Define is the only valid choice for this file
Description: You have requested a REDEFINE, DELETE or RENAME option for a new file that has not been created.
FIM133There is no field group to Rename, Delete or Redefine
FIM134Field group has not been Defined
FIM135Field group has been Defined
Description: You are trying to define a field group that already exists.
FIM136The field group is staged for Define - cannot Rename, Redefine, or Delete
FIM137The field group is staged for Delete - cannot Rename, Redefine, or Delete
FIM138There are no field groups to Rename, Redefine or Delete
FIM139A choice is required
Description: You have not entered a filename or an option after the Field, File, Record or Field Group Maintenance prompts.
FIM140The item to be DOCUMENTed does not exist
FIM141The file has been staged for SECURE
FIM142The file has been staged for DESECURE
FIM143ERROR: Duplicate file entries - see your Dictionary Administrator
Description: More than one dictionary entry was found for the file. Notify your Dictionary Administrator.
FIM144There is no new or existing file by this name
FIM145A FILENAME is required
FIM146The file is staged for CREATE - cannot copy (ENTITY)
FIM147Field groups require that fields be defined to a record
FIM148Enter a valid option number for the tagged choice
FIM149Filename must not begin with a number or special character
FIM150May not copy to an existing file or staged file
Description: You have entered the name of a file in after the COPY TO prompt which is the name of a previously created file or the name of a file that is staged for CREATE.
FIM151Choose copy option 1, 2, or 3
FIM152Enter filename for new file
FIM153There are no fields or records on file to copy
FIM154There are no fields on file to copy
FIM155New file is locked to another user - cannot continue copy

Note: When an option number is entered in File Management that results in a conflict with SQL/204 DDF, you will receive one of the error messages below, FIM157-FIM160.

FIM156Reserved word invalid for field names
FIM157File has been defined to SQLDDF, selection not allowed
Description: The File Maintenance selection is not valid for a file that is defined to SQL/204 DDF. The selections not allowed are DELETE, RECREATE, COPY and INITIALIZE.

Enter a number that is valid or perform the operation from SQL/204 DDF.

FIM158 Field is defined to SQLDDF, field selection not allowed
Description: No field maintenance operations are allowed on a field defined to SQL/204 DDF.

Perform maintenance on this field through SQL/204 DDF rather than FILEMGMT.

FIM159File has been defined to SQLDDF, ReCREATE not allowed
Description: You cannot recreate a file defined to SQL/204 DDF. If file was created in SQL/204 DDF, drop the file from SQL/204 DDF and create a new file. If file was mapped from a FILEMGMT file, enter SQL/204 DDF and unmap the file.
FIM160File status incomplete in SQLDDF, file maintenance not allowed
Description: The file was incompletely mapped from SQL/204 DDF.

The file status must be resolved through SQL/204 DDF. Enter the SQL/204 DDF and select the mapping option to complete the mapping of this file. If you are unable to map the file, see your system manager.

FIM161File created in SQLDDF must add fields thru alter in SQLDDF
FIM162No AVERAGE LENGTH, 20 assumed for field(s)
FIM163Field Attributes screen is display-only for RENAME/DELETE mode
FIM164Select fields for RENAME/DELETE from the Field List screen
FIM165The specified userid has no staged file commands
FIM169Field is Date time Stamp, fieldname cannot be changed.
Description: Datetime Stamp field corresponds to value of DTSFN and cannot be changed.
FIM170WARN: There is no valid Datetime Stamp field defined in file
Description: The user is attemping to use a Datetime Stamp feature, but the file does not have the field defined.
FIM200Field|Record name missing
Description: You have requested the Copy option for a field or record entry but have omitted a new record or field name.
FIM201Missing the 'Copy to' filename
Description: You have not entered the name of the new file you are creating with the Copy option.
FIM202Field|Record names must be unique when copying to the same file
Description: You have requested the Copy option for a field or record within a file and have entered the name of a field or record that already exists within that file.
FIM203There are no fields|records on file to copy
FIM204Field|Record name does not exist
FIM205Cannot copy all fields|records within the same file
Description: You have requested the Copy option for all fields or records with in a single file. This option is only valid between files.
FIM206Field|Record name already exists
FIM207All field|record names are already on 'Copy to' file - cannot copy
FIM208WARN: Only able to copy nn fields/records to "Copy to" file
FIM250Select one of ENTRY, SORTED, HASHED, or UNORDERED options
FIM251REQ EVRY REC only valid for SORTED or HASHED files
Description: You have selected the ENTRY or UNORDERED option as the type of file organization for the file you are creating. You must select the SORT or HASH option.
FIM252SORT/HASH KEY only valid for SORTED or HASHED files
FIM253Select one of REUSE FIRST or APPEND FIRST options
FIM254REUSE FIRST option is only valid WITH RDFS
Description: You have selected the Reuse First option without selecting the Reuse Record Numbers option; Reuse First is only valid for a file created before Release 9.0 that is organized to reuse record numbers.
FIM255APPEND FIRST option is only valid WITH RDFS
Description: You have selected the Reuse First option without selecting the Reuse Record Slots option; Reuse First is only valid for a file that is organized to reuse record slots.
FIM256 TBO must be disabled if LOCK PENDING UPDATES are disabled
Description: You have selected to Disable Lock Pending Updates, but have not chosen to Disable Transaction Backout. You must specify both options.
FIM257Select one of PUBLIC, SEMI-PUBLIC or PRIVATE options
FIM258SELECT LEVEL must be between 0 and 255
FIM259READ LEVEL must be between 0 and 255
FIM260UPDATE LEVEL must be between 0 and 255
FIM261ADD LEVEL must be between 0 and 255
FIM262KEY FIELD NAME must be specified if RECORD SECURITY chosen
FIM263KEY FIELD NAME is only valid if RECORD SECURITY chosen
FIM264 Make your selection with an 'X'
FIM265FORMAT FILE must be either Y or N
FIM266VERIFY FILE must be either Y of N
FIM267AVG PROCNAME LEN must be between 1 and 255
FIM268PRCLDEF must be between 0 and 255
FIM269SORT/HASH KEY must be specified
Description: You have selected a file organization of either Sorted or Hashed, but have not specified the hash key name.
FIM270If PUBLIC FILE, PRIVDEF must have ADHOC UPDATE privilege set
Description: You have selected the Public access option for a file, but have not specified sufficient privileges for the default privilege class so that you can update the file.

If a PUBLIC file, PRIVDEF must have ADHOC UPDATE privileges set.

FIM272FICREATE is not a supported Model 204 release for this file
FIM273KEY is only valid widen item
FIM274Expected AVERAGE PAGES PER PROC requires a positive number
FIM275Expected NUMBER OF PROCEDURES ENTRIES requires a positive number
FIM276Expected NUMBER OR PROCEDURES has exceeded the DSIZE maximum
FIM277Expected AVERAGE PAGES PER PROC has exceeded the DSIZE maximum
FIM278Hash key and Record Security key cannot be the same field
FIM279Unordered option invalid for files created before 9.0
FIM280File mode must be INACTIVE for files created before 9.0
FIM281INACTIVE (I) command mode not available - choose ACTIVE (A)
FIM282ACTIVE (A) command mode not available - choose INACTIVE (I)
FIM283WARN: REUSE FIRST marked as selected with RRN for a pre-9.0 file
FIM284RRN not valid for ENTRY ORDER files - choose UNORDERED option
FIM285'A' or 'I' are the only valid choices
FIM286WARN: UNORDERED marked as selected with RRN
FIM287No command mode is valid - contact your Dictionary Administrator
FIM288INACTIVE command mode is invalid - FICREATE must match current release
FIM289PDSIZE must not exceed the maximum of 255, will be truncated to 255
FIM290FICREATE not supplied, specify item
FIM291NONE may not be selected with 1NF or NUMERIC VALIDATION.
FIM292TBO may not be disabled with the 1NF FILE MODEL.
FIM293Files cannot be reset to 1NF FILEMODL.
FIM294Files cannot be reset to NUMERIC VALIDATION FILEMODL.
FIM2951NF FILE MODEL requires AT-MOST-ONE field attribute.
FIM296WARN: AT-MOST-ONE makes file inaccessible to pre 2.2 releases.
FIM297WARN: Field level constraint not downward compatible past release 2.1
FIM298WARN: Redefine to AT-MOST-ONE may fail if field occurrence is gt 1.
FIM299NUMERIC RANGE fields not allowed in 1NF FILE MODEL files.
FIM300Filename cannot begin with 'OUT' 'SYS' 'CCA' or 'TAPE'
FIM301Filename contains an invalid character
FIM302NUMERIC RANGE fields not allowed in 1NF FILE MODEL files.
FIM303FRV fields not allowed in 1NF FILE MODEL files.
FIM304AT-MOST-ONE cannot be specified in a Non-TBO file.
FIM305WARN: Turning off TBO with field level constraints defined to file.
FIM306WARN: Multiply occurring fields present in a 1NF file.
FIM308Optimized Field Extract must be an "N" or a "Y"
FIM309PAGES must be between 1 and 16777216
FIM310Datetime Stamp parameter (DTSFN) not set in this system
Description: In order to use the Datetime Stamp option, the parameter DTSFN must be set in the CCAIN to the fieldname that will be used for Datetime Stamp processing.
FIM311WARN: XAUTOINC will not be set if XSIZE = 0
FIM312You have selected Datetime stamp, press PF4 to define fields
Description: On the Reset screen, the user selected the Datetime stamp option. This message directs the user to now go define the attributes associated with the Datetime stamp field.
FIM313Pages must be between 0 and 16,777,216
FIM314The maximum value for this field is 16,777,216
FIM315Use an X to select this field
FIM316Option only valid with version 6.1 or later file
FIM317This file is already defined as a Datetime Stamp file
Description: The user is attempting to define the file as a Datetime Stamp file, but it already is a Datetime Stamp file.
FIM318WARN: must define field for DateTime Stamp
Description: The user set FOPT=x'10', indicating a desire to use Datetime Stamp processing, but a field which corresponds to the value of DTSFN has not been defined to the file.
FIM319Enable Datetime Stamp must be an "N" or a "Y"
Description: The user entered an invalid character in the Enable Datetime stamp input area.
FIM320Cannot disable Lock Pending Updates with Enable Date Time Stamp
Description: The user attempted to select Disable Lock Pending Updates for a Datetime Stamp file.
FIM321Table X pages maximum value is 536,870,911
FIM322Option only valid with version 6.3 or later file
FIM323Table X Auto Increase not valid with Sorted or Hash
FIM324Only an X is allowed to select this field
FIM325This option cannot be selected for a file created prior to version 6
FIM351Field names are only valid items to document
FIM352Field names are only valid widened items
FIM353Incorrect field name syntax
FIM354Duplicate field name as entered
FIM355Delete invalid for Sort, Hash, Record Security or DTS field
FIM356Mark prefix with an 'X' before proceeding to ATTRIBUTES screen
FIM400KEY must be Y or N
FIM401INVIS must be Y or N
FIM402DEFERRABLE must be Y or N
FIM403NUMERIC RANGE (NR) must be Y or N
FIM404FRV must be Y or N
FIM405CODED must be Y or N
FIM406FEW-VALUED must be Y or N
FIM407MANY-VALUED must be Y or N
FIM408NUMBER OF UNIQUE VALUES must be ALL or from 1 to 16,777,216
Description: The field you are defining or redefining is a Key, FRV, Numeric Range, Ordered, or Coded field and requires a value in Number of Unique Values for file sizing of the index space. You can specify ALL to indicate that every record contains a unique occurrence of the field's value.
FIM409NUMBER OF SIGNIFICANT DIGITS must be values 1 to 9
FIM410STRING must be Y or N
FIM411BINARY must be Y or N
FIM412FLOAT must be Y or N
FIM413LEVEL must be an integer between 0 and 255
FIM414UPDATE AT END must be Y or N
FIM416Length must be a positive integer between 1 and 255
FIM417MIN OCCURS must be an integer greater than zero
FIM418MAX OCCURS must be an integer greater than zero
FIM420Preallocated REPEATABLE must be an integer between 1 and 255
FIM421PREALLOCATED PAD must be between 00 and FF
FIM425MIXED CASE must be Y or N
FIM429Conflicting attributes: INVISIBLE and attribute
FIM430Conflicting attributes: HASH and KEY
FIM431Conflicting attributes: RECORD SECURITY and NON-KEY
FIM432Conflicting attributes: INVISIBLE and PREALLOCATED
FIM454FLOAT requires length of 4, 8, or 16
FIM455Tagged items are WARNINGS. Press ENTER to view messages.
FIM458PREALLOCATED requires a value for LENGTH
FIM459PREALLOCATED requires a value for REPEATABLE
FIM462PHYSICAL PICTURE has invalid date format
FIM463First character of PHYSICAL PICTURE is invalid
FIM464PHYSICAL PICTURE is missing left parenthesis
FIM465PHYSICAL PICTURE is missing right parenthesis
FIM466PHYSICAL PICTURE must have number in parentheses
FIM467PHYSICAL PICTURE exceeds maximum of setting
FIM468Conflicting attributes: Variable format and Leading/Trailing 0's

Note: The following warning messages (noted by the WARN: prefix) inform you that you have not completed all the information for the field. You can execute the field command, but the sizing algorithm might not be accurate without the information you are missing.

FIM469WARN: A default length of 6000 will be stored for LOB sizing.
Description: On the field attributes screen, when defining a LOB entry, if a length is not added for the field, a default of 6000 will be added.
FIM470WARN: A default length of 20 will be stored for Sizing.
FIM471WARN: MIN OCCURS is null. Used by ACCESS.
FIM472WARN: MAX OCCURS is null. Used by ACCESS.
FIM473WARN: NUMBER OF UNIQUE VALUES is null. "ALL" is assumed.
FIM479 Serious error has occurred. Non-zero return code from SCRLGET
Description: There is incorrect information in the scrolling records in the M204TEMP record which has been passed from the Field List to the Field Attributes process. Notify Technical Support.
FIM480WARN: Preallocated field invalid if data exists in the file
Description: You are defining a field as Preallocated to a file that already has been created. This is illegal in Model 204.
FIM481MIN OCCURS is larger than MAX OCCURS
FIM482FLOAT is invalid for a file created earlier than 8.0
Description: FLOAT is not a valid data type for files created with a version of Model 204 that is earlier than 8.0.
FIM483File created on 7.1 version is not transformed for FLOAT
Description: You are trying to define a field with the FLOAT data type. However, the file was created with Model 204 release 7.1 and is not transformed for this data type.
FIM484Conflicting attributes: INVISIBLE and LENGTH
FIM485Only VISIBLE fields can be renamed
Description: You have requested to rename a field that is defined as invisible.
FIM493Conflicting attributes: HASH or SORT and not STRING
FIM494HASH/SORT key cannot be PREALLOCATED if not req'd in every rcd
FIM495WARN: RECORD SECURITY key average length is less than 10
FIM496HASH/SORT key cannot be multiply occurring
FIM498ORDERED must be Y or N
FIM499TREETYPE must be C or N
FIM500LRESERVE must be an integer between 0 and 99 inclusive
FIM501NRESERVE must be an integer between 0 and 99 inclusive
FIM502SPLITPCT must be an integer between 1 and 100 inclusive
FIM503IMMED must be an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive
FIM504WARN: Tagged item is null. Used by Sizing
FIM505Second page of attributes applies only to ORDERED fields
FIM508SIZING PARAMETER must be an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive
FIM509ORDERED invalid for file created earlier than 9.0
FIM510UNIQUE must be yes or no
FIM511UNIQUE cannot be specified with DEFERRABLE
FIM512WARN: Redefine to UNIQUE will fail if non-unique values present
FIM513UNIQUE cannot be specified for Non-TBO file
FIM514Datetime Stamp field cannot be UNIQUE.
Description: On the field attributes screen, when defining a Datetime Stamp field, the attribute UNIQUE is not allowed.
FIM515DATETIME STAMP field cannot be a BLOB or CLOB.
Description: On the field attributes screen, when defining a Datetime Stamp field, the attributes BLOB and CLOB are not allowed.
FIM550Record names are only valid items to document
FIM551Record names are only valid widened items
FIM552Incorrect record name syntax
Description: You have entered a record name that does not meet the naming conventions for dictionary entries. It contains invalid characters or characters that are illegal as field names in a User Language programs.
FIM553Duplicate record name as entered
FIM555Incorrect EXPECTED INCREASE Percentage
FIM556EXPECTED INCREASE percentage must be numeric
FIM557NUMBER OF RECORDS must be numeric and greater than zero
FIM558Incorrect NUMBER OF RECORDS entered
FIM559NUMBER OF RECORDS exceeds allowable maximum for the file
FIM560Mark prefix with an 'X' before proceeding to Record Definition
FIM601Recordname, Fieldname, Rectype Id Value are only valid widened items
Description: You issued the WIDen command without placing the cursor on a record name, field name or Rectype Id Value. Place the cursor on the name and reissue the command.
FIM602% Field Occur must be numeric
Description: You entered a non-numeric value in Percent Field Occurrence for a field. Re-enter the value.
FIM603Unique id must be X or D if it has previously been selected
Description: The field you are working with has already been specified as a unique identifier for the record. If you do not want the field as a unique identifier, replace the X under the Unique Id prompt with a D.
FIM604Unique id must be X, '_' or EOF
Description: The field you are working with has not been specified as a unique identifier for the record. If you want to specify the field as a unique identifier, you must enter X under the prompt; otherwise, delete the character you entered.
FIM605Rectype id must be X or D if it has previously been selected
Description: The field you are working with has already been specified as a rectype id field for the record. If you do not want the field to be a rectype id field, type an X over the D.
FIM606Rectype id must be X, '_' or EOF
Description: The field you are working was not specified as a rectype id field for the record. If you want to define the field as a rectype id field, type an X below the Rectype Id prompt.
FIM607Prefix for selected fields must be X, D, '_' or ' '
Description: Enter a D to remove the field from the record you are working on. Enter an X to modify the characteristics of the field. If you do not want to modify or delete it, blank out the invalid character.
FIM608Prefix for unselected fields must be X
FIM610Invalid rectype id data value
Description: The rectype id value you entered was not valid. Reenter the value.
FIM611No records have been selected for display
FIM612Rectype id data value cannot be blank if Rectype id selected
Description: You selected a field to be a rectype id field for the record. Enter the corresponding rectype id data value.
FIM613Enter an X to select Rectype id
Description: You entered a rectype id data value without entering an X under the rectype id data value prompt. Enter an X to specify it as a rectype id field, otherwise the data value will be ignored.
FIM614Field must be deleted from Fld Grp before it is deleted from Record
Description: This field is part of a field group in this record. File management will not automatically delete the field from the field group. You must go to the field group definition/redefinition and remove the field from its field group. Return to record definition/redefinition to remove the field from the record.
FIM615Preallocated fields cannot be deleted from the record definitions list
FIM616Sort/Hash key required in every record cannot be deleted
FIM617Preallocated fields must be present on 100 percent of records
FIM618Date Time Stamp cannot be deleted from record
Description: On the record definition screen, when attempting to delete a Datetime Stamp field from a record, the field cannot be deleted.
FIM619Prefix for unselected fields must be X, "_" OR " "
FIM650Cursor is not on an input item
FIM651Record and Field Group names are only valid documented items
FIM652Incorrect Field Group name syntax
FIM653Duplicate Field Group name as entered
FIM654Field group must be saved before it is documented
FIM655Mark Record prefix with an X before proceeding to FldGrp Defn
FIM656You have not marked or entered any new field groups to define
FIM657Mark a FldGrp prefix with an X before proceeding to FldGrp Defn
FIM658You must mark field groups and records to enter FldGrp Defn
FIM659There are no field groups marked
FIM660Field groups require that fields be defined to a record
FIM661WARN: Field groups will not be saved unless you mark a prefix
FIM662WARN: You must proceed to FldGrp Definition to save any changes
FIM663You have marked more records than field groups to define
FIM664Record and Field Group names are only valid widened items
FIM675Record name, Fld Grp name, Field name are only valid widened items
Description: You have issued the WIDen command without placing the cursor on a record name, field group name, or field name. Place the cursor on the desired name and reissue the command.
FIM676Select a Field Group by marking it with an X
Description: You have entered the SWItch command without selecting another field group to define or redefine. Place an X in the prefix area next to the field group you want to work on and reenter the command.
FIM677WARN: Avg Occurs value for all fields in the group do not match
Description: File Management expects the average number of occurrences for each field in a field group to be the same. You may define field groups whose fields have different average occurs values; however, you will receive this warning message. You can ignore the message if you want to proceed defining or redefining field groups.
FIM678Prefix for selected fields must be D
Description: You have entered an invalid character in the prefix area or a field in a field group. Enter a D to remove the field from the field group or blank out the invalid character.
FIM679Prefix for field groups must be X
Description: You have entered an invalid character in the prefix area of a field group name. Enter an X to define or redefine a field group or blank out the invalid character.
FIM680Select a field group and SWItch before selecting fields
Description: You have attempted to select fields for a field group but you have not selected a field group. Delete the X's you have filled in, return to the "Remaining Field Groups" section, select a field group and enter the SWItch command (PF9). Return to the "Remaining Fields in Record" section and select the fields in this field group.
FIM681WARN: ACCESS cannot use singly occurring fields
FIM725Transaction Backout file may not disable LPUs
Description: You are requesting the Disable Lock Pending Update option for a file which is specified to run with Transaction Backout.
FIM726BRESERVE cannot be larger than (PAGESIZE - 40)
FIM727DRESERVE must be between 1 and 100
FIM728Can only select RECORD SECURITY during CREATE
FIM800BSIZE is non-numeric, negative or exceeds allowable maximum
FIM802New BSIZE cannot be less than the number of TABLEB pages used
Description: You cannot decrease Table B to a value less than the number of pages used in the file (BHIGHPG).
FIM803DSIZE is non-numeric, negative or exceeds allowable maximum
FIM804New DSIZE cannot be less than the number of TABLED pages used
FIM805Dataset information is incomplete
Description: When you are adding new data sets to a file, you must supply the DD name, data set name, device type, and trk/blks. These are used by sizing and as part of the CREATE and INCREASE commands.
FIM806DDname cannot begin with OUT SYS CCA or TAPE
FIM807Duplicate DDnames not allowed
FIM808Dataset name contains an invalid character
FIM809Dataset name is missing a parenthesis
FIM810Duplicate Dataset names not allowed
FIM811Invalid device type
FIM812Track or block allocation is not numeric
FIM813Total table sizes too large for file
Description: You requested to INCREASE a file and the addition of all new table sizes exceeded the allocated pages for the current file (including FREESIZE).
FIM814Password required
Description: The file you are requesting to INCREASE or DECREASE requires a read-only password. The password is needed so you can VIEW the file's BHIGHPG and DPGSUSED parameter values.
FIM815Insufficient FREESIZE for Table B increase
FIM816Insufficient FREESIZE for Table D increase
FIM817DDname contains an invalid character
FIM818DDname is the name of a file or staged file
FIM819DDname cannot begin with a number
FIM820BSIZE must be an integer between 1 and 16777216
FIM821DSIZE must be an integer between 1 and 16777216
FIM822Insufficient FREESIZE for Table E increase
Description: On the sizing screen, an increase in ESIZE must be less than or equal to what is available in FREESIZE.
FIM823 Table E decrease cannot be less than 20
FIM824 Table X cannot be decreased to 0
FIM825 Table X cannot exceed 536870911
FIM826 Table X cannot be decreased to 0 without recreate
FIM827 ESIZE is non-numeric, negative or exceeds allowable maximum
FIM828 You are not authorized to view file parameters
FIM829 New ESIZE cannot be less than the number of TABLEE pages used
FIM830 No NUMBER UNIQUE VALUES, 1 per record assumed for field(s)
FIM831 Calculated Esize too large - maximum assumed
FIM832 XSIZE can only be used with entry order and unordered files
FIM833 XSIZE cannot be zero if XAUTOINC is set
FIM834 BSIZE must be an integer between 1 and 98304
FIM850BRESERVE too large for table B page
Description: BRESERVE must be no longer than (PAGESZ-40).
FIM851DRESERVE must be between 0 and 100
FIM852Page size must be 6184, 7208, 3624, or 3368
FIM853FVFPG parameter must be between 1 and 65,536
FIM854MVFPG parameter must be between 1 and 65,536
FIM855BRECPPG * BSIZE must not exceed 16,777,216
FIM856CSIZE must be an integer between 1 and 65,536
FIM857ASIZE must be between 1 and 196,605
FIM858BEXTOVFL pages in error
Description: You are creating a sorted file and the values of the stored index (BEXTOVFL) extra overflow pages (BPGPOVFL), master overflow pages and (BPGPMSTR) master sort pages are not specified correctly. Refer to the chapter on sorted files in the Rocket Model 204 documentation wiki "Model 204 files" pages.
FIM859BPGPOVFL pages in error
FIM860BPGPMSTR pages in error
FIM861Sorted files are required to have master and overflow pages
Description: You are working with a sorted file and have not completed the BEXTOUFL, BPGPOVFL and BPGPMSTR parameters.
FIM862ATRPG * ASTRPPG exceeds 4000
FIM863ATRPG, FVFPG, and MVFPG do not equal ASIZE
FIM864PDSIZE and PDSTRPPG required if using procedures
Description: You have specified that the file you working on will contain procedures (EXPECTED PROCS) or there are procedures entries linked to it in the dictionary, and the parameters used to size the procedure dictionary (PDSIZE/PDSTRPPG) are null.
FIM865FREESIZE parameter in error
FIM866WARN: Total number of records is 0, default table sizes used
Description: When calculating the file sizes, the system did not find any records linked to the file you are working on or found no value in the Total Number of Records on the file entry. The file was sized using the default table sizes in Model 204. See the parameter descriptions for ASIZE, BSIZE, CSIZE, and DSIZE for the default sizes.
FIM867ASTRPPG must be numeric, between 1 and 4,000
FIM868Calculated Dsize too large - maximum assumed
Description: In calculating DSIZE during sizing, you exceeded the maximum value for DSIZE, so sizing used the maximum value. See the parameter description of DSIZE for details.
FIM869ATRPG must be numeric, between 1 and 4,000
FIM870PDSIZE must be numeric, between 1 and 255
FIM871PDSTRPPG must be numeric, between 1 and 256
FIM872BRESERVE must be numeric and less than PAGESZ - 40
FIM873Calculated Csize too large - max assumed
Description: When you were sizing the file, the CSIZE size you calculated exceeded the Model 204 maximum, the maximum value was used. See the CSIZE parameter description for details.
FIM874WARN: tracks not recalculated -- old value not changed
Description: File Management calculates disk requirements only if there is one data set per file. If there are more than one data sets per file, you must enter the track or block allocation next to the corresponding device and data set name.
FIM875BRECPPG must be an integer value between 1 and 9999
FIM876PDSIZE has changed, you may want to ReCREATE the file
FIM877ASIZE has changed, you may want to ReCREATE the file
FIM878Press ENTER to view multiple messages
FIM879BSIZE increase is larger than HASHED table limit
FIM880CSIZE has changed, you may want to ReCREATE the file
FIM881Maximum number of preallocated fields is exceeded
FIM882Default values assumed for blank screen items
Description: You have chosen to redisplay a screen and all the null items on it were replaced with their default values.
FIM883FREESIZE recalculated for new table sizes
FIM884BREUSE must be between 1 and 100
FIM887DPGSRES must be between 0 and 32767, and no larger than DSIZE
FIM900DSIZE must be an integer value between 1 and 65536
FIM901USE file is needed for a report
Description: You must specify a USE (directed output) name at the USE prompt on the screen. Type in the appropriate USE name and re-execute the command.
FIM902Active or Inactive modes must be selected for command execution
Description: You must select Active or Inactive mode for the command you wish to execute.
FIM903USE file is not defined, nothing printed
Description: The USE (directed output) name that you specified is not defined. Check to make sure the name of the file is spelled correctly.
FIM904The only valid prefix value is X(select) | D(delete)
Description: You have typed something other than X or D on screen where only X (execute) or D (delete) are valid. Check the prefix areas of all lines and try again.
FIM905Item definition must be complete before selecting a command
Description: You selected a command that cannot be executed until you finish defining an item. Transfer to the appropriate File Management screen to complete the definition.
FIM906Choose only procedure or USE output for commands
Description: You have chosen both procedure and USE output on a screen where only one of these options is valid. Correct the screen and try again.
FIM907Unable to open procedure file to store commands (for IN option)
Description: The procedure file you specified cannot be opened. Check the file name and password.
FIM908Unable to store commands in procedure file (for IN option)
Description: The privileges specified for the procedure file you are using do not allow you to define any new procedures. Check the file name and password.
FIM909ON ATTN was hit, use Pf3 to QUIt
FIM910error-dependent message
Description: File Management encountered a Model 204 error. You can find the Model 204 error explanation elsewhere in this manual.
FIM911Unresolved enqueue conflict, reenter command or quit
FIM912Choose only 1 mode for execution of commands
Description: You are on a screen which permits only ACTIVE or INACTIVE mode. Check to make sure you have requested only one of these commands.
FIM913Scroll amount must be a positive integer
Description: You must use a null (for a full screen) or a positive integer in a scroll command argument. Check the numbers and try again.
FIM914No space available in file to store the procedure
Description: There is insufficient space in TABLE D of the specified file to store the procedure with commands. Either choose a different file name or free space in the specified file by deleting procedures in the file.
FIM915FILEMGMT subsystem files are invalid for storing procedures
Description: Files used for storing command procedures in inactive mode cannot be chosen from among files used by the FILEMGMT subsystem. These files include: METADATA, DATALINK, M204PROC, and M204TEMP. Change the name of the procedure file and try again.
FIM916Use DICTADMIN facility to define File Management execution options
Description: The Dictionary Administration facility enables you to define execution options for &fm. commands. If no options are defined as valid, no commands can be executed.
FIM917USE name may not begin with 'SYS', 'CCA', or 'TAPE'
FIM918Procfile name may not begin with 'OUT', 'SYS', or 'CCA'
FIM930Report printed
Description: This is an informational message indicating that a print command has been executed. Check the STATUS field for the command to determine whether the dictionary has been updated.
FIM931Selected commands deleted
Description: This is an informational message indicating that the commands you selected have been deleted. Check the STATUS command to determine whether the dictionary has been updated.
FIM932Selected commands executed successfully
Description: The commands selected have been executed without errors. All command statuses should be "successful." This message appears only in Active Immediate mode. The dictionary has been updated to reflect the changes for each successful command.
FIM933Selected commands pending
Description: The commands selected have been marked as pending for active execution in batch mode. The dictionary has not been updated to reflect the changes.
FIM934Selected commands generated
Description: The commands selected have been generated through dictionary output or to a procedure. The dictionary has not been updated to reflect the changes.
FIM935No commands selected
Description: You entered the EXEcute/DELete command but did not select any commands for execution or deletion. Insert an X (for EXEcute) or a D (for DELete) to select each command.
FIM936Selected commands executed, check command statuses for errors
Description: The commands selected have been executed, but some or all of the commands might have errors. Check the STATUS field for each command to determine whether the command was successful or not. The dictionary has been updated to reflect the changes for only the successful command.
FIM937 Warning: Subsystem(s) use file ! PF3=Quit, PF6/12=Process
FIM940M204 command: text of Model 204 command
Description: This is an informational message that appears in the audit trail only. It is generated for each Model 204 command generated by the File Management facility.
FIM941Blinking fld is AVG LEN
MULTIPLIER H=Hundreds,T=Thousands, M=Millions
FIM942Warn: ESIZE must be greater than 20.
Description: The minimum size for a BLOB is > 20.
FIM943Avg Length must be between 1 and 9999
FIM944Datetime Stamp field cannot be INVISIBLE
Description: On the field attributes screen, when defining a Datetime Stamp field, the attribute INVISIBLE is not allowed.
FIM945XSIZE can only be used with entry order and unordered files
FIM946Date Time Stamp cannot be multiply occurring
Description: On the field attributes screen, when defining a Date Time Stamp field, the attribute OCCURS must be one.
FIM947Only values of 0 or 1 are valid for RECRDOPT
Description: On the sizing screen, only values of 0 or 1 are valid for RECRDOPT.
FIM948XSIZE value is outside range of allowed values 0 to 536870911
Description: On the sizing screen, XSIZE must be between 0 and 536870911.
FIM949File must be recreated to change XSIZE
Description: On the sizing screen, when updating sizing information, if you now want to use TableX, the file must be recreated.
Description: On the sizing screen, XSIZE must have a non-zero value before setting XRESERVE, XRECPPG or RECRDOPT.
FIM951XRESERVE, XRECPPG must be > 0 when XSIZE is > 0
Description: If XSIZE is a positive non-zero number, then XRESERVE and XRECPPG must also be positive, non-zero numbers.
FIM952Insufficient FREESIZE for TABLEX increase
Description: When attempting to increase the size of Table X, there must be sufficient pages available in FREESIZE to handle the increase.
FIM953XRESERVE valid values from 0 to 6140
Description: On the sizing screen, XRESERVE must be between 0 and 6140.
FIM954 Trks/Blks not filled in -- Use PF9 to size
FIM955XSIZE cannot be zero if AUTOINC is set
Description: On the File Definition - Organization screen, a non-zero value was entered for "Table X Auto Increase Pages". Revisit that screen and reset that value to zero before attempting to change XSIZE to zero on the sizing screen.
FIM956ESIZE must be an integer value between 1 and 1073741823
FIM957Insufficient FREESIZE for table E increase
FIM999The Documentation Facility has not been started

SUBSYSMGMT error messages

Number Message text
SUM001 Global table is full. Please QUIT.
Description: The value of LBTBL is not sufficient for the subsystem application. LBTBL must be set to at least 100.
SUM002No changes have been made to the screen.
Description: Type in input and press Enter or use a PF key to move to another screen.
SUM003Subsystem definition incomplete. Define OPERATION.
SUM00Subsystem definition incomplete. Define PROCEDURE.
SUM005Subsystem definition incomplete. Define SYSCLASS.
SUM006Subsystem definition incomplete. Define USERDEF.
SUM007Subsystem is active. Cannot modify SYSCLASS.
Description: Issue STOP to change subsystem classes.
SUM008Unresolved enqueue conflict. Try again or QUIT.
Description: Some part of the subsystem definition is being used by a subsystem or DICTIONARY user.
SUM009The default subsystem class is displayed as bright.
SUM010CCA subsystem. Can only use USERDEF or user activity.
Description: The definition of user classes is the only part of the subsystem definition that can be modified. The entire definition can be browsed.
SUM011ON ATTENTION was hit. Use PF3 to QUIT.
SUM012Subsystem definition incomplete. Define FILEUSE.
SUM051Not a valid subsystem activity selection.
SUM052Not a valid user activity selection.
SUM053PFkey or command only valid with subsystem Add, Modify, or Browse.
SUM054Copy/Rename name is not valid with this selection.
SUM055New subsystem name is required.
SUM056Subsystem name is not valid with this selection.
SUM057Subsystem name is required.
SUM058Copy/Rename account is not valid with this selection.
SUM059Copy/Rename account is not required for this selection.
Description: Copy/Rename field has a value but is not needed for the selection.
SUM060Subsystem does not exist.
SUM061Subsystem already exists.
SUM062New subsystem already exists.
SUM063User account is not valid with this selection.
SUM064User account is required.
SUM065Copy/Rename account is required.
Description: Enter the name of the account to be copied/renamed.
SUM066User account does not exist.
SUM067New user account already exists.
SUM069____ copied to _____.
SUM070Subsystem ______ deleted.
SUM071Subsystem ______ renamed to ______.
SUM072Account ______ copied to _______.
SUM073Account ______ deleted.
SUM074Account ______ renamed to _______.
SUM075Invalid option. Enter QUIT or END.
SUM076Invalid command, Pfkey, or no activity selected.
SUM077Subsystem name contains illegal characters.
SUM078New subsystem name contains illegal characters.
SUM080No privileges have been assigned to @1.
Description: An attempt was made to copy/rename/delete an account that has not been assigned ADMIN privileges. Check spelling of account name or assign user privileges.
SUM081No subsystems match specified name or pattern: @1.
Description: Check spelling of name or pattern.
SUM082Value must be Y or N.
SUM084Cannot delete CCA subsystems.
SUM093 PFkey or command only valid with MODIFY option.
Description: On the main SUBSYSMGMT screen, the user pressed PF7/CMDprv and selected an option other than MODIFY. MODIFY is the only valid option for PF7/CMDprv.
SUM094Subsystem name or pattern is required.
Description: On the main SUBSYSMGMT screen, the user pressed PF7/CMDprv and did not specify a name or pattern in the Subsystem Name field.
SUM096Refine criteria: # of subsystems classes exceeds max(1000).
Description: On the Command Privileges screen, the max number of subsystem classes that may be processed at one time is 1000. If a user specifies a pattern in the Subsystem Name field that results in a list that exceeds 1000, then this message is displayed.
SUM098 Press 12/END to make changes or 3/QUIt to exit.
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, this message is displayed when a user hits PF3/QUIt in order to confirm that the user wants to quit without any updates applied.
SUM099No value specified for Subsystem Name.
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, this message is displayed when the user hits PF4/LISt and does not supply any value in the Subsystem Name field.
SUM099No value specified for Subsystem Class.
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, this message is displayed when the user hits PF4/LISt and does not supply any value in the Subsystem Class field.
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, this message is displayed when the user hits PF4/LISt and supplies an invalid pattern the Subsystem Name or Subsystem Class fields.
SUM100Invalid status. Must be 1, 2, or 3.
SUM101Value must be Y or N.
SUM102Invalid hex value.
Description: The value entered contains an invalid character or is not within the range of X'00' to X'FF'.
SUM103PUBLIC invalid with more than 1 Delete all but one class.
Description: Use SYSCLASS to delete. using the SYSCLASS screen or use a semipublic or private status.
SUM104 The value entered must be from 1 to 99999.
SUM150Null values are not valid.
SUM151Duplicate values for prefixes are not valid.
SUM152Procedure names must begin with a prefix.
SUM153Warning -Use of global XFER prohibits subsystem transfer.
Description: XFER is a reserved variable that cannot be used on the Procedure Specifications Screen.
SUM154Global variable names must be identical.
SUM155Global variable names must not contain ??, ?$, or ?&.
SUM200The default subsystem class cannot be deleted.
Description: A default class is required for public or semipublic subsystems. Do not delete this class or change the status to public.
SUM201Only one subsystem class is valid
Description: The valid class is for public subsystems. default. Change the status to semipublic or private for multiple classes.
SUM202Procedure file must be entered.
SUM203Value tagged is not valid or beyond acceptable range.
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, the user entered an invalid value in the selection field for the Subsystem Name or Subsystem Class. The only valid value for the selection field is "x".
SUM204File names must start with a letter.
SUM205Deferred ddnames must start with TAPE.
SUM206Subsystem class already defined.
SUM207Duplicate file on this screen.
SUM208File already defined for this sub- system class.
SUM209File name cannot have blanks.
SUM210At first subsystem class.
SUM211At last subsystem class.
Description: Attempt made to browse beyond the last subsystem class.
SUM212PF10/PREV not available.
SUM213A value must be specified for NUMLK when group value is Y.
SUM214GROUP value must be Y when a value is specified for NUMLK.
SUM215File name cannot begin with CCA, OUT, SYS, or TAPE.
SUM216Deferred ddnames cannot have blanks.
SUM250Previous subsystem class selected was number:
SUM251No users are defined to this sub- system class.
SUM252No subsystem classes defined. Use SYSCLASS.
Description: Define subsystem classes by using the SYSCLASS screen before defining users for the classes.
SUM253No subsystem classes defined.
SUM254Subsystem class number must be numeric.
SUM255Subsystem class number cannot be zero or a negative number.
SUM256Subsystem class number is greater than the number of classes.
SUM257Account(s) already defined or duplicated on this screen.
SUM258Default class is the only class. Cannot define users for it.
SUM259Users cannot be added to the default subsystem class.
SUM300A FIND conflict has occurred for this account.
SUM301<n> Subsystem(s) enqueued. Press 6/DISplay to list.
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, this message is displayed to inform the user that there are a number of subsystems that are not displayed on the list and cannot be updated due to enqueuing conflicts.
SUM302Classes enqueued, 6/DISplay or 12/END to perform partial update.
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, this message is displayed to inform the user that there are a number of classes that cannot be updated at this time due to enqueuing conflicts. The user has the option to perform a partial update such that the Command Privileges for the classes that are not enqueued are updated. In addition, the user has the option to display the list of classes that are enqueued and cannot be updated.
SUM303<n> Class(es) about to be updated, press 12/END to confirm update
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, this message is displayed when the user presses PF12/END in order to inform the user about the number of Subsystem Classes that are about to be updated.
SUM304No update, Command Privileges not changed for selected subsystems
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, the user pressed PF12/END to update the Command Privileges but either the privileges were not changed or there were no Subsystem Classes that were selected for update.
SUM305Warning! 11/UPDate must be pressed now to save changes.
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, the user pressed PF4/LIST to obtain a new list but the command privileges for the previous list were not saved.
SUM306Classes enqueued, 6/DISplay or 11/UPDate to perform partial update.
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, this message is displayed to inform the user that there are a number of classes that cannot be updated at this time due to enqueuing conflicts. The user has the option to perform a partial update such that the Command Privileges for the classes that are not enqueued are updated. In addition, the user has the option to display the list of classes that are enqueued and cannot be updated.
SUM307<n> Class(es) about to be updated, press 11/UPDate to confirm update.
Description: On the Command Privilege screen, this message is displayed when the user hits PF11/UPDATE in order to inform the user about the number of Subsystem Classes that are about to be updated.
SUM308Must use 4/LISt when changing Subsystem or Class patterns
Description: The user entered a new value in the Subsystem Name or Subsystem Class field and pressed an invalid key.
SUM309Enter a valid command or pfkey.
SUM400Contact System manager, no privileges have been assigned to user ID.
Description: User must be assigned administrative privileges to use SUBSYSMGMT.
SUM401User does not have privileges for the selected option.
Description: Only valid options for the assigned administrative privileges may be selected.
SUM402User has not been granted privileges for this subsystem.
Description: System manager has not assigned the user administrative privileges for the selected subsystem.
SUM403@1 has been deleted from D204SYS.
SUM404Select a valid PF KEY for Add, Modify, Browse.
Description: Must select one of: PF2,PF4,PF5,PF6,PF9 for this option.
SUM405Value must be U or A.
SUM406Duplicate METADATA entries for subsystem.
SUM408Subsystem pattern is not valid for this selection.
Description: Remove name or pattern and retry.
SUM409D204SYS is in use by another user.
Description: Another user is executing an import/export command.
SUM410Import VERSION parameter does not match Export VERSION parameter.
Description: Import/export must be between the same version of Model 204.
SUM411Unable to IMPORT @1, CCASYS fields undefined.
Description: The subsystem to be imported contains fields which are not defined in the destination dictionary.
SUM412Cannot export CCA subsystems.
SUM413@1 has not been exported.
Description: Export the subsystem before importing.
SUM414Unable to IMPORT, fields undefined for @1 METADATA entry.
SUM415Unable to locate import data.
SUM416@1 is being updated by another user
Description: Import/export attempted on a subsystem that is being updated by another user.
SUM417@1 Imported. Dummy entries were added for Procedures and/or Files.
Description: The specified files from the import subsystem did not previously exist in the destination dictionary.
SUM418@1 has been @2.
SUM419Reenter the command to confirm the deletion.
SUM420No subsystems located or user does not have view privileges.
Description: No subsystems have been exported or the user does not have ALL privileges for any of the exported subsystems.
SUM421No subsystems have been exported.
SUM422 Unable to open D204sys.
Description: An error occurred while trying to open D204SYS.
SUM423ERROR - check status of D204SYS.
SUM424No subsystems were located.
SUM425Select privileges with an 'X'.
SUM426Only assign one of: ALL, MODIFY, or BROWSE privileges.
Description: A user has been assigned more than one admin privilege for the tagged subsystem.
SUM427Enter a subsystem name to locate.
Description: Enter the subsystem name on the command line and press PF5.
SUM428 Unable to locate subsystem: @1.
SUM429WARNING: updates will not be saved. Reenter command to exit.
SUM430Administrative privileges have been updated for @1.
SUM431WARNING: all Userids will be deleted from @1. Reenter command.
SUM432No users were located for SCLASS: @1 in subsystem @2.
SUM433WARNING: @1 duplicates found. Reenter to execute.
Description: A user ID to be copied already exists in an SCLASS. Select preview to display the list.
SUM434@1 Accounts have been copied.
SUM435Cannot copy from the same subsystem.
SUM436@1 Accounts have been copied. @2 Duplicates have been moved.
Description: A user ID to be copied already exists in an SCLASS. The user ID was moved to the copy-to SCLASS.
SUM437Enter the Copy-from subsystem name.
Description: Copy requires an SCLASS and subsystem name.
SUM438Enter the Copy-from Sclass name.
Description: Copy requires an SCLASS and subsystem name.
SUM439For copy-from fields use one of: Copyuser, CPReplace, or Preview.
Description: If not copying remove data from copy fields. if copying an invalid PF key was selected.
SUM440PF KEY or command not available in Browse mode.
SUM441No duplicate Userids were located.
SUM443Field: @1 is not defined in @2.
SUM444BUG.............PAI INTO
Description: An internal error has occurred while trying to import/export.
SUM445@1 has already been exported.
Description: The subsystem must be deleted from D204SYS. If no longer needed use option 9 to delete the subsystem from D204SYS.
SUM446Unable to import, METADATA/DATALINK entries found for @1.
Description: There is METADATA or DATALINK information for the specified subsystem to be imported. Delete or rename METADATA/DATALINK information.
SUM447Cursor not on positioned on a PRIVDEF value.
Description: To select PF6, the cursor must be placed on a PRIVDEF field for a corresponding file.
SUM448This account may only update user definitions (PF 9).

Cross-Reference Facility messages

NumberMessage text
XRF001Help text not found. Contact System Administrator.
XRF002Error from $BLDPROC. Contact System Administrator.
XRF003Error from $LSTPROC on M204DCTL. Contact System Administrator.
XRF004Unable to find default job procedure:
XRF005Error in Displaying Browsed Procedures
XRF006This PFkey or command is not supported.
XRF007No defined action for ENTER key - please use PFkey or command line.
XRF008XREF Facility is already in use by:
XRF009Procedure file/group required.
XRF010File/Group not open or incorrectly specified.
XRF011Unexpected error from $RDPROC:
XRF012Both ALL and individual report options were selected.
XRF013Global name was not found - procedure cannot be expanded.
XRF014Please specify "N" for Names or "P" for Patterns.
XRF015Please specify at least one Procedure Name or pattern.
XRF016Job Procedure is lacking placeholder:
XRF017Please enter "Y" for Yes or "N" for No.
XRF018Named procedure could not be found:
XRF019Pattern matches no procedure names:
XRF020Number of procedures found:
XRF021WARNING: Modified data will not be stored. Repeat PFkey to
XRF022Global variable name is missing.
XRF023Non-null global variable value is required.
XRF024This global name appears above on this line in your overall list:
XRF025This global name appears below on this line in your overall list:
XRF026BUG - Unable to locate profile record.
XRF027Cannot scroll backwards.
XRF028Cannot scroll forwards.
XRF029More text follows...
XRF030Bottom of text reached
XRF031No help available from here
XRF032Place search string on cmd line and press PF5 or precede with "LOC"
XRF033Search string not located in text below.
XRF034Top of text reached.
XRF035Please use PFkeys instead of ATTN key.
XRF036Request interrupted by ATTN key.
XRF037Record is busy.
XRF038Cross reference job has been submitted.
XRF039The following line has been split for listing purposes.
XRF040Request cancelled.
XRF041File/Group successfully opened.
XRF042Global name contains invalid character in column:
XRF043The specified group has no procfile.
XRF044The specified procedure is currently in use.
XRF045Access to the specified procedure is not allowed.
XRF046Nesting level too deep - maximum allowed is five.
XRF047Command line parameters are incorrectly specified.
XRF048No procedure file or group specified in user profile.
XRF049All globals will be resolved from user profile - GTBL was too small.
Description: The user might have stored some globals in GTBL immediately before using XREF, but did not leave sufficient free space (1000 bytes) for the XREF facility itself to use. Since GTBL cannot be increased without destroying its contents, GTBL is cleared, and all searches to resolve global dummy strings use the user's profile record.
XRF050Globals will be resolved from GTBL, then from user profile.
Description: An informational message: XREF will refer to GTBL during searches to resolve global dummy strings.
Messages XRF100-XRF117
Messages XRF100 to XRF117 describe errors detected during Cross Reference facility batch processing.

Messages XRF101 through XRF103 are displayed when the LPP parameter in the job control procedure is invalid or missing.

XRF100Unable to parse expression - check syntax
Description: This message is displayed next to statements the parser is unable to recognize. The most common causes of this error are User Language syntax errors and incomplete syntax due to unresolved dummy strings. If you encounter this error for compilable code that does not contain unresolved dummy strings, contact Technical Support.
Description: An image, image array or image item contains an AT, AFTER, or DEPENDING ON clause that references another image, array, or item, but the name specified cannot be found in the current image block. This corresponds to Model 204 error message M204.1616.
Last line messages for Technical Support
Description: If this message appears in the last line of your CCAPRINT output, contact Technical Support and report the TYPE code.
Description: If this message appears in the last line of your CCAPRINT output, check for incorrect input in:


Edit the XREF job while in the XREF subsystem (PF4=EDItjob) and ensure that the first lines in the XREF step are exactly these and nothing else:


Then resubmit the job. If the error reappears, contact Technical Support and report the TYPE code.