FUNL0192 Can't use multiple outputs with this version of (product)

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This message does not occur in Model 204 version 7.6 and later.

The text that replaces product in this message depends on your versions of Fast/Unload and Sirius Mods. You receive the message if both the following are true:

  • The FUEL program specifies an output stream that has a destination name that differs from the one passed as the fourth argument in the $FUNLOAD call.
  • You are using a combination of product versions other than Fast/Unload 4.2 (or higher) and Sirius Mods 6.5 (or higher).

To use multiple output streams and the Fast/Unload User Language Interface, you must be running (at least) Fast/Unload 4.2 and (at least) Sirius Mods 6.5. The multiple output feature was introduced in Fast/Unload 4.1, but not supported for the Fast/Unload User Language Interface until Fast/Unload Version 4.2.