Fast/Unload customization of defaults

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Note: In the descriptions below of the customization patches:

  • Each of the VER (VERIFY) commands presume that no prior patching has been done (that is, they require the particular byte to be all-zero). They are shown this way merely as a template, and this is obviously wrong if you have made a prior customization run.

    If you are doing all your patches in one run, you can indeed verify that the byte in question is all-zero, and then provide only the necessary REP commands after that one VER command. If you have in fact made any prior runs, you must replace the zero-byte in the VER command with the logical Or of whatever flag bits you turned on in prior patches.

  • If you are using Model 204 7.6 or higher, you need to apply two zaps per patch: one for the Fast/Unload FUNLOAD load module, and one for the Model 204 Online load module.

Sort parameter list

Fast/Unload communicates with an external sort package via a parameter list or plist. There are two basic standards for sort parameter lists:

  • The 24-bit "old-fashioned" parameter list. This is supported by virtually all sort packages.
  • The 31-bit extended parameter list. This is supported by DFSORT, SYNCSORT, and several other "modern" sort packages.

You can use the SORTP parameter to tell Fast/Unload which type of parameter list to try to use. Note, however, that Fast/Unload makes no attempt to verify that your sort package actually supports the requested type of plist.

The 31-bit extended parameter lists are more flexible and allow a greater variety of SORT statements to be passed to the sort package. For this reason, the default value for SORTP is 31.

If you do not have a sort package that supports 31-bit extended parameter lists at your site, you may want to change the SORTP default. To do so, apply the zap(s) below according to the product versions at your site. You may need to apply both:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1200 00 REP 1200 80

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1200 00 REP 1200 80

Changing the default sort parameter

The parameter that controls the selection of the destination data set for sorted output is set by Fast/Unload by default to SORTOUTD. Prior to version 4.1, the default was SORTOUT. You can change this default setting to be either FUNOUT or SORTOUT. These parameters are described in FUnout and SORTOut | SORTOUTD.

  • To make FUNOUT the default at your site, apply one or both of the following zaps:
    • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

      NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1200 00 REP 1200 20

    • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or lower, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

      * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1200 00 REP 1200 20

  • To make SORTOUT the default at your site, apply one or both of the following zaps:
    • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

      NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1214 00 REP 1214 10

    • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or lower, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

      * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1214 00 REP 1214 10

Default for ERROR clause on PUT statement

Fast/Unload by default sets the ERROR clause to be the same as the MISSING clause on the PUT statement (except when AS STRING is specified, in which case TRUNCATE is the default for ERROR).

If you want CANCEL to be the default for the ERROR clause at your site, apply the zap(s) below according to your product versions. You may need to apply both:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1200 00 REP 1200 01

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1200 00 REP 1200 01

This will be the default whether AS STRING is specified or not.

Default for MISSING clause on PUT statement

Fast/Unload by default sets the MISSING clause to be -1 on the PUT statement (except when AS STRING is specified, in which case blank fill is the default for MISSING).

To make 0 the default for the MISSING clause at your site, apply the zap(s) below according to your product versions. You may need to apply both:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1200 00 REP 1200 10

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1200 00 REP 1200 10

This will not change the default if AS STRING is specified.

SMF record number

If you use Fast/Unload in a z/OS environment, you can choose to generate SMF records containing the complete set of Fast/Unload statistics. To enable this, you must customize Fast/Unload to contain an SMF record number in the range between X'80' and X'FF'. For example, the following zaps enable SMF statistics using record number X'E1'. You would apply one or both of the following zaps:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1200 00 REP 1200 E1

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1200 00 REP 1200 E1

See Fast/Unload SMF record format for more information about Fast/Unload SMF records.

Default CHECK conditions and actions

During an individual run of Fast/Unload, you can use the CHECK statement to specify the conditions to check and the action to take if a condition is found. The CHECK statement overrides the default checks, if any, for the conditions it specifies. The defaults shipped by Rocket Software are shown in CHECK statement defaults.

To change any of the defaults for CHECK at your site, you can zap the defaults. Each of the defaults consists of a single byte, with the following values:

0 or 1 IGNORE
3 or greater CANCEL

The offsets for the six default bytes are:

X'1204' DUPDT in Fast/Unload run with neither UAI OINDEX nor UAI INV
X'1205' PROCS in Fast/Unload run with no FOR EACH RECORD statement
X'1206' INVIS in Fast/Unload run with no FOR EACH RECORD statement
X'1207' DUPDT in Fast/Unload run with UAI OINDEX or UAI INV

Example customization of FISTAT actions:

  1. To unload any file, regardless of FISTAT, without affecting the Fast/Unload return code, apply one or both of the following zaps:
    • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

      NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1202 0303,0303,0003 REP 1202 0000,0000,0000

    • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or higher, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

      * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1202 0303,0303,0003 REP 1202 0000,0000,0000

  2. To set the Fast/Unload return code to a minimum of 4 for Fast/Unload runs where the file contains definitions of either procedures or INVISIBLE fields that are not unloaded, apply one or both of the following zaps:
    • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

      NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1202 0303,0303,0000 REP 1202 0303,0302,0200

    • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or higher, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

      * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1202 0303,0303,0000 REP 1202 0303,0302,0200


If you want to change the default value of CENTSPAN used in Fast/Unload, calculate the hexadecimal value (as a signed 2-byte number), and place that value (vvvv) into the following zap(s) according to your product versions. You may need to apply both:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1208 FFCE Change default CENTSPAN of -50 REP 1208 vvvv to ...

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1208 FFCE Change default CENTSPAN of -50 REP 1208 vvvv to ...

If you want to change the value of SPANSIZE used in Fast/Unload, calculate the hexadecimal value (as a 2-byte number — it must be between 1 and 100) and place that value (vvvv) into the following zap(s) according to your product versions. You may need to apply both:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 120A 005A Change SPANSIZE of 90 REP 120A vvvv to ...

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 120A 005A Change SPANSIZE of 90 REP 120A vvvv to ...

Default SORT program name

If you want to change the default name used for external sorts, calculate the hexadecimal value of the 8-character EBCDIC program name, and place that value into the following zap(s) according to your product versions. You may need to apply both:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 120C E2D6D9E3,404040 Change name from SORT REP 120C vvvvvvvv,vvvvvv to ...

    For example, to change the name to XSORT, use the following zap:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 120C E2D6D9E3,404040 Change name from SORT REP 120C E7E2D6D9,E34040 to XSORT

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 120C E2D6D9E3,404040 Change name from SORT REP 120C vvvvvvvv,vvvvvv to ...

    For example, to change the name to XSORT, use the following zap:

    NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 120C E2D6D9E3,404040 Change name from SORT REP 120C E7E2D6D9,E34040 to XSORT

Setting NOLIST as default

If you want to suppress the listing of FUEL programs by default at your installation, you can use the following zap(s) according to your product versions. You may need to apply both:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1214 00 Unzapped byte REP 1214 80 NOLIST is default

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1214 00 Unzapped byte REP 1214 80 NOLIST is default

Note that when the Fast/Unload SOUL Interface is used, NOLIST is the default unless the ALLMSG parameter is specified.

Setting default FSTATS processing

If you want to change the default behavior of FISTAT processing to be that performed by FSTATS MINMAX, use the following zap(s) according to your product versions. You may need to apply both:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1214 00 Unzapped byte REP 1214 20 MINMAX is default for FSTATS

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1214 00 Unzapped byte REP 1214 20 MINMAX is default for FSTATS

Setting default ABENDERR

If you want to change the default of the ABENDERR parameter, use the following zap(s) according to your product versions. You may need to apply both:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1216 0000 Old default was ABENDERR=0 REP 1216 00vv New default is vv in hex

    For example, the following zap sets the default ABENDERR to 8:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1216 0000 Old default was ABENDERR=0 REP 1216 0008 New default is ABENDERR=8

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1216 0000 Old default was ABENDERR=0 REP 1216 00vv New default is vv in hex

    For example, the following zap sets the default ABENDERR to 8:

    NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1216 0000 Old default was ABENDERR=0 REP 1216 0008 New default is ABENDERR=8

Note: When the Fast/Unload SOUL Interface is used, ABENDERR=0 is always the default.

DBCS environment

If your database files frequently contain DBCS data, you may want to tell Fast/Unload to automatically assume a specific DBCS environment. This way, you can avoid coding the DBCS parameter on all your Fast/Unload runs. The distribution version of Fast/Unload defaults to DBCS=NONE.

IBM DBCS environment

To set an IBM default DBCS environment, apply one or both of the following zaps according to your product versions:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1200 00 REP 1200 02

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1200 00 REP 1200 02

Fujitsu DBCS environment

To set a Fujitsu default DBCS environment, apply one or both of the following zaps according to your product versions:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1200 00 REP 1200 04

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1200 00 REP 1200 04

Hitachi DBCS environment

To set a Hitachi default DBCS environment, apply one or both of the following zaps according to your product versions:

  • If you have Model 204 version 7.6 or higher, apply this zap to the Online load module:

    NAME ONLINE FUCUST$ VER 1200 00 REP 1200 08

  • If you have Fast/Unload version 4.7 or earlier, apply this zap to the FUNLOAD load module:

    * Be sure not to apply this zap to the Online load module NAME FUNLOAD PTCH VER 1200 00 REP 1200 08

See also