Intrinsic classes

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In “pure” object-oriented languages, all datatypes are objects, that is, all datatypes are extension classes of some base object class. This means that even things that one might not immediately think of as objects, such as character strings or numbers, are, in fact, considered to be objects. There are two aspects to the assertion that strings or numbers are objects:

  • They are internally managed in exactly the same was as any other objects. That is, a string or numeric variable is actually a reference to an object that contains the string or numeric value, rather than itself directly containing the string or numeric value.
  • They are syntactically identical to other objects. That is, the syntax for manipulating strings or numbers is the same as the syntax for manipulating other objects. More specifically, methods are applied to strings or numbers using the exact same syntax as when methods are applied to other objects.

Since the first aspect is concerned with the internal management of strings or numbers, it is largely irrelevant from the perspective of a programmer using a “pure” object- oriented language. In fact, many languages that profess to be “pure” actually “cheat,” internally, and they special-case string and numeric data. They do so because string and numeric data is so important, and so heavily used in all programming languages, that insisting on not treating it specially (internally) is pedantry that has a cost in performance. To see why, consider a statement that adds two numbers together (the language for the example is, of course, User Language):

      %x is float
      %y is float
      %x = %y + 13

Insisting that numbers are no different from any other object means that this statement must get the value referenced by %y, add it to the number referenced by the literal “13”, create a new Float instance and set %x to reference that new instance. Clearly, this would be less efficient than taking the number in %y, adding 13 to it and setting %x to the result. Fortunately, which way this is actually done is purely an under-the-covers implementation issue, so one can always pretend that “pure” object-oriented processing is being used. This is so because numbers and strings are an example of a special class of objects called immutable objects. Immutable objects, as the name suggests, cannot be changed once they are created. To illustrate the difference between immutable objects and mutable objects, consider two variables:

     %count        is float
     %account      is object bankAccount

If %account were set to a new object instance, it would not be surprising if, after it's set, the object changed. For example, it wouldn't be surprising if the account balance for %account changed, even if the change was done via a different variable:

     print %account:balance
     %myAccount = %account
     print %account:balance

In this example, it is expected that the balance displayed in the second Print statement will be 23 greater than that displayed by the first. On the other hand, given the following:

     print %count
     %myCount = %count
     print %count

It would be surprising for some operation on %myCount to have changed the value in %count. In general, for variables that contain numeric or string values, one would only expect the value to change when a new value is assigned to it. In fact, one would not expect to see methods like AddToValue that modify the method object for a numeric datatype. More typical for a numeric datatype would be a method that manipulates the value and produces a new value (object):

     %myCount =       %myCount:addToValue(23)

Although even pure object-oriented languages have special syntax for the common operation of addition:

     %myCount =       %myCount + 23

Absence of methods that modify a value is what make a class immutable, and in “pure” object-oriented languages, basic string and numeric datatypes are always immutable.

Intrinsic methods in User Language

User Language is a legacy programming language for which object-oriented capabilities are a relatively recent addition. So, one might expect that strings and numbers are not maintained internally as objects, since their existence pre-dates objects. This is in fact the case, though as was shown, this is largely irrelevant from a User Language programmer's perspective, And even if object-oriented capabilities were present in User Language from its inception, strings and numbers might have been special-cased for efficiency anyway.