JumpToMatch command

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Transfers control to a request statement that contains a specified matching string, then attempts to execute that statement.


jumpToMatch string 

where string is the string for which a match is searched from the top (first) line in the Source Code or Daemon page. The search string may be a regular expression, as described for the Search button.

The nesting level of a statement has no effect on whether it is located.

If a match is not found, JumpToMatch string not found is displayed in the Status area. If a match is found but the statement is not executable, Invalid line for jump is displayed in the Status area.

If you use the command in a macro:

  1. When you specify the JumpToMatch command in the macro, explicitly supply its argument (the current keyword or a number to indicate the target line) or specify an argument variable.
  2. Observe the jump validation rules.

If you use the command in a mapped button or hot key:

  1. Do not specify an argument for the JumpToMatch command in the mapping; you specify the argument (the current keyword or a number to indicate the target line) in the Search text box.
  2. Observe the jump validation rules.

For information about invoking a jump by right clicking a line in the Source Code or Daemon tab, see Altering the flow of execution.

Client menu: --
Introduced: Build 27