List of Screen API methods

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The following are the available Screen API methods.

ActionKeyScreenReturn name of key that activated last screen read
AddFieldScreenAdd a field to an instance of a screen object
ColorScreenFieldSet or return the FieldColor for a screenfield
ColumnScreenFieldReturn the column number of a screenfield
ColumnsScreenReturn the number of columns in the current screen
CopyScreenReturn a copy of a screen object
CursorColumnScreenReturn the column number of the cursor position
CursorItemIdScreenReturn the item ID of field at the cursor position
CursorRowScreenReturn the row number of the cursor position
DeepCopyScreenReturn a deep copy of a screen object
DeepCopyScreenFieldReturn a deep copy of a screenfield object
DeleteScreenFieldDelete screenfield
HighlightScreenFieldSet or return the highlight attribute for screenfield
InvisibleScreenFieldSet or return the invisible attribute for screenfield
ItemidScreenFieldSet or return the item ID value for screenfield
MaxActionKeyScreenReturn name of key that activated last screen read
ModifiedScreenFieldSet or return the modified attribute for screenfield
NewScreenCreate new Screen instance
NewScreenFieldCreate a new ScreenField object
NewFieldColumnScreenGet or set column number for next added field
NewFieldRowScreenGet or set row number for next added field
NumericScreenFieldSet or return the numeric attribute for screenfield
ProtectedScreenFieldSet or return the protected attribute for screenfield
ProtectedColorScreenSet color for protected screen fields
ProtectedHighlightScreenSet highlight color for protected screen fields
ReadScreenWrite screen to display and return response
RowScreenFieldReturn the row number of a screenfield
RowsScreenReturn the number of rows in the current screen
ScreenScreenFieldReturn the screen object of method object
SetCursorScreenFieldSet or return the value of a screenfield
UnprotectedColorScreenSet color for unprotected screen fields
UnprotectedHighlightScreenSet highlight color for unprotected screen fields
ValueScreenFieldSet or return the value of a screenfield
WidthScreenFieldReturn the width of a screenfield

See also