LoadMessageInfo (XmlDoc subroutine)

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Load message info into this XmlDoc (XmlDoc class)

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doc:LoadMessageInfo[( [string])]

Syntax terms

doc An XmlDoc object, to which elements are added corresponding to the selected messages.
string A wildcard pattern to select the messages to place into the XmlDoc.

Usage notes


The following request:

begin %d is object xmlDoc auto new %d:loadMessageInfo('M204.084*') %d:print end


<messages M204Version="7.7.0F"> <msg num="M204.0840" class="E" auditType="ER" count="yes" retcodeb="4"> Disk I/O error while formatting </msg> <msg num="M204.0841" class="E" auditType="ER" count="yes" retcodeb="4"> Bug .. CCAGRP already in directory </msg> <msg num="M204.0842" class="E" auditType="MS" count="no" retcodeb="4"> CREATEG command rejected </msg> <msg num="M204.0843" class="I" auditType="MS" term="no" opr="yes" count="no"> <sub type="C"/> </msg> <msg num="M204.0844" class="I" auditType="MS" opr="yes" count="no"> Recovery is now complete </msg> <msg num="M204.0845" class="E" auditType="ER" count="yes" retcodeb="4"> Updates not allowed during recovery </msg> <msg num="M204.0846" class="E" auditType="MS" count="no" retcodeb="4"> Group is in use </msg> <msg num="M204.0847" class="E" auditType="ER" count="yes" retcodeb="4"> Close group before deleting </msg> <msg num="M204.0848" class="I" auditType="MS" count="no"> Perm group deleted: <sub type="suffix" desc="name"/> </msg> <msg num="M204.0849" class="E" auditType="ER" count="yes" retcodeb="4"> Group not found: <sub type="suffix" desc="name"/> </msg> </messages>

See also

  • LoadMsgctl, which produces an XmlDoc with the same attributes for the <msg> elements.