NewFromAsciiCodepage (CharacterToUnicodeMap function)

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Create CharacterToUnicodeMap object from ASCII codepage (CharacterToUnicodeMap class)

[Introduced in Sirius Mods 8.0]

This method lets you dynamically select a particular codepage for specific data needs without having to change your system-wide codepage.


%characterToUnicodeMap = [%(CharacterToUnicodeMap):]NewFromAsciiCodepage( codepageName)

Syntax terms

%CharacterToUnicodeMapA CharacterToUnicodeMap object.
[%(CharacterToUnicodeMap):] The optional class name in parentheses denotes a virtual constructor. See "Usage notes", below, for more information about invoking a virtual constructor.
codepageName A string that identifies one of the currently supported codepages at your site. You can view (and manage) these codepages with the UNICODE command.

Usage notes

  • NewFromAsciiCodepage is a virtual constructor and as such can be called with no method object, with an explicit class name, or with an object variable, even if that object is null:

    %charToUmap = newFromAsciiCodepage('1252') %charToUmap = %(CharacterToUnicodeMap):newFromAsciiCodepage('1252') %charToUmap = %charToUmap:newFromAsciiCodepage('1252')


See also