New (GenericNamedArraylist constructor)

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Create a new GenericNamedArraylist object (FloatNamedArraylist, NamedArraylist, and UnicodeNamedArraylist classes)

This method returns a new instance of a FloatNamedArraylist, NamedArraylist, or UnicodeNamedArraylist object.


%anyNal = [%(GenericNamedArraylist Of itemType):]New

Syntax terms

%anyNal A NamedArraylist, FloatNamedArraylist, or UnicodeNamedArraylist object variable that is set, respectively, to a new NamedArraylist, FloatNamedArraylist, or UnicodeNamedArraylist object reference.
%(GenericNamedArraylist) The optional class name in parentheses denotes a Constructor. See "Usage notes," below, for more information about invoking a collection Constructor.

Usage notes

  • As described in "Using New or other Constructors", New can be invoked with no object, with an explicit class name, or with an object variable, even if that object is Null:

    %anyNal = new %anyNal = %(GenericNamedArraylist of float):new %anyNal = %anyNal:new

    Note: As shown above, when explicitly indicating the class, both the collection and the item datatype must be specified just as they are on the collection variable's declaration:

    %namrayl is collection NamedArraylist of longstring %namrayl = %(NamedArraylist of longstring):new

See also