Numeric (ScreenField property)

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This property sets or returns the Numeric attribute for a ScreenField. If a field is Numeric, only numeric values may be entered in the field. The Numeric attribute is initially set for a field by the AddField method.


Syntax terms

A Boolean enumeration. Valid values are True (default) and False. A value is numeric only if it is composed of the characters 0 through 9, plus (+), minus (-), or period (.).
A reference to an instance of a ScreenField object.

Usage Notes

Regardless of the value of a field's Numeric attribute, the programmer can assign any type of value to the field. Enforcement of the Numeric attribute takes place only when a user enters data in the field. Some terminal emulators do not enforce numeric field restrictions, so the programmer should be aware that the value of a numeric field must still be checked for validity.