RunIndependently (Daemon subroutine)

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Run commands on an independent Daemon thread (Daemon class)

RunIndependently runs on the daemon thread the command or set of commands specified by its first argument. Unlike Run, this method returns immediately, and the thread issuing RunIndependently can run in parallel with the daemon thread. Unlike RunAsynchronously, this method makes the daemon thread completely independent of the parent thread, so the output from the commands can never be retrieved.


daemon:RunIndependently( commands, [[Input=] object]) Throws DaemonLost, IncorrectDaemonState

Syntax terms

daemon A previously defined Daemon object.
commands A string or Stringlist that is the command or the set of commands executed by the daemon.
object An object passed to the daemon object. This optional, name allowed, argument is passed by deep copy and not by reference, so object must be deep copyable, as described in "Copying objects".


RunIndependently can throw the following exceptions:

If the daemon object is lost (probably restarted), a DaemonLost exception is thrown. Since RunIndependently does not wait for the daemon thread to do anything, a DaemonLost exception indicates that the daemon thread was lost before RunIndependently was invoked. This exception will only be thrown in Sirius Mods Version 7.2 and later.

Usage notes

  • Issuing RunIndependently against a transactional daemon results in request cancellation.
  • If the daemon thread and its daemons hold record locks that conflict with the parent thread's family (excluding the daemon thread itself and its daemons), RunIndependently results in request cancellation.
  • RunIndependently is the rough Daemon class equivalent of the $commbg function.
  • After a RunIndependently method, the daemon object is set to null. This is because the daemon thread runs completely independently of the parent thread once a RunIndependently method is invoked, so there is nothing useful the parent thread can do with such a daemon, anyway.
  • The passing of objects and commands to daemons is identical whether the method is Run or RunIndependently — see "Working with Daemon objects" for more information about passing commands and objects to a daemon.
  • Even if the parent thread of an independently running daemon logs off, the daemon thread can continue to run.
  • No Daemon class mechanism is provided for a parent thread to retrieve the output from an independently running Daemon.
  • As described in "Working with Daemon objects", the RunIndependently commands argument can pass multiple commands to the daemon method object.


%daem:runIndependently(%list2, %x)

See also