String methods syntax

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The syntax for each of the String class methods is shown below.

Square brackets indicate optional elements of the method invocation. See also the notation conventions for methods and the List of String methods.

%string = string:AsciiToEbcdic[( [CharacterEncode= boolean])]

%string = string:Base64ToString

%number = string:BinaryToFloat

%number = string:BinaryToInteger[( [Signed= boolean])]

%result = string:BitAndString( andBits, [Pad= c])

%result = string:BitOffString( offBits, [Pad= c])

%result = string:BitOnString( onBits, [Pad= c])

%result = string:BitOrString( orBits, [Pad= c])

%result = string:BitXorString( xorBits, [Pad= c])

%string = string:Center( length, [Pad= c], [OffsetLeft= boolean])

%string = string:Centre( length, [Pad= c], [OffsetLeft= boolean])

%string = string:Char( position)

%string = string:Deflate[( [FixedCode= boolean], [LazyMatch= boolean], - [MaxChain= number])]

%string = string:EbcdicToAscii[( [CharacterDecode= boolean])]

%unicode = string:EbcdicToUnicode[( [CharacterDecode= boolean], - [Untranslatable= unicode])]

%string = string:Gunzip

%number = string:GunzipDatetimeNS

%string = string:GunzipFilename

%string = string:Gzip[( [FixedCode= boolean], [LazyMatch= boolean], - [MaxChain= number], [Filename= string], - [LastModified= number])]

%number = string:HexToInteger[( [Signed= boolean])]

%string = string:HexToString

%string = string:Inflate

%string = string:Insert( string, position)

%boolean = string:IsOneOf( list)

%string = string:Left( length, [Pad= c])

%length = string:Length

%string = string:MD5digest

%string = string:MarksStoreCodeDecrement

%string = string:MarksStoreCodeIncrement

%number = string:MarksStoreCodeToNumber

%sl = string:ParseLines[( [string], [StripTrailingNull= boolean])]

%position = string:PositionIn( string, [Start= number])

%position = string:PositionOf( string, [Start= number])

%string = string:RC4decrypt( string)

%string = string:RC4encrypt( string)

%number = string:RegexMatch( string, [Options= string], - [CaptureList= stringlist])

%string = string:RegexReplace( string, string, [Options= string])

%sl = string:RegexSplit( string, [Options= string], - [Add= regexSplitOutputOptions])

%string = string:Remove( string, [Count= number])

%string = string:Replace( string, string, [Count= number])

%string = string:Reverse

%string = string:Right( length, [Pad= c])

%string = string:SHAdigest

%string = string:StringToBase64

%days = string:StringToDays( string, [centSpan])

%string = string:StringToHex

%milliseconds = string:StringToMilliseconds( string, [centSpan])

%seconds = string:StringToSeconds( string, [centSpan])

%string = string:Substring( position, [length], [Pad= c])

%string = string:ToLower

%string = string:ToString

%string = string:ToUpper

%string = string:Translate( characterMap)

%unicode = string:U

%string = string:Unspace[( [Spaces= string], [Leading= boolean], - [Trailing= boolean], [Compress= boolean])]

%unicode = string:Utf16ToUnicode[( [AllowUntranslatable= boolean], - [Bom= utf16BOM])]

%unicode = string:Utf8ToUnicode[( [AllowUntranslatable= boolean])]

%string = string:X

%string = string:Zip[( [FixedCode= boolean], [LazyMatch= boolean], - [MaxChain= number], [Filename= string], - [LastModified= number])]

%stringTokenizer = string:stringTokenizer[( [TokenChars= string], - [Spaces= string], - [Quotes= string], - [Separators= string])]