String methods syntax

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The syntax for each of the String class methods is shown below.

Square brackets indicate optional elements of the method invocation. See also the notation conventions for methods and the List of String methods.

%outString = string:AsciiToEbcdic[( [CharacterEncode= boolean])] Throws CharacterTranslationException

%outString = string:Base64ToString Throws InvalidBase64Data

%number = string:BinaryToFloat

%number = string:BinaryToInteger[( [Signed= boolean])]

%result = string:BitAndString( andBits, [Pad= c])

%result = string:BitClearString( bitNumber) Throws InvalidBitNumber

%count = string:BitCountString

%result = string:BitFlipString( bitNumber) Throws InvalidBitNumber

%result = string:BitOffString( offBits, [Pad= c])

%result = string:BitOnString( onBits, [Pad= c])

%result = string:BitOrString( orBits, [Pad= c])

%result = string:BitSetString( bitNumber) Throws InvalidBitNumber

%value = string:BitValueString( bitNumber) Throws InvalidBitNumber

%result = string:BitXorString( xorBits, [Pad= c])

%outString = string:Center( length, [Pad= c], [OffsetLeft= boolean])

%outString = string:Centre( length, [Pad= c], [OffsetLeft= boolean])

%outString = string:Char( position)

%unicode = string:CharacterToUnicode( characterToUnicodeMap) Throws CharacterTranslationException

%outString = string:Deflate[( [FixedCode= boolean], [LazyMatch= boolean], - [MaxChain= number])]

%doc = string:DerToXmlDoc Throws InvalidBerData

%outString = string:EbcdicToAscii[( [CharacterDecode= boolean])] Throws CharacterTranslationException

%unicode = string:EbcdicToUnicode[( [CharacterDecode= boolean], - [Untranslatable= unicode])] Throws CharacterTranslationException

%unicode = string:FormUrlDecodeUnicode[( [AllowUntranslatable= boolean])] Throws CharacterTranslationException

%outString = string:Gunzip Throws InvalidGZipData

%number = string:GunzipDatetimeNS Throws InvalidGZipData

%outString = string:GunzipFilename Throws InvalidGZipData

%outString = string:Gzip[( [FixedCode= boolean], [LazyMatch= boolean], - [MaxChain= number], [Filename= string], - [LastModified= number])]

%number = string:HexToInteger[( [Signed= boolean])] Throws InvalidHexData

%outString = string:HexToString Throws InvalidHexData

%outString = string:Inflate Throws InvalidDeflateData

%outString = string:Insert( insertedString, position)

%boolean = string:IsOneOf( list)

%boolean = string:IsStartOf( longerString, MinLength= number)

%outString = string:Left( length, [Pad= c])

%length = string:Length

%outString = string:MD5digest

%outString = string:MarksStoreCodeDecrement

%outString = string:MarksStoreCodeIncrement

%number = string:MarksStoreCodeToNumber

%sl = string:ParseLines[( [delims], [StripTrailingNull= boolean])]

%position = string:PositionIn( haystack, [Start= number])

%position = string:PositionOf( needle, [Start= number])

%outString = string:RC4decrypt( key)

%outString = string:RC4encrypt( key)

%doc = string:RSAPrivateKeyToXmlDoc Throws InvalidBerData

%number = string:RegexMatch( regex, [Options= string], - [CaptureList= stringlist]) Throws InvalidRegex

%outString = string:RegexReplace( regex, replacement, [Options= string]) Throws InvalidRegex

%sl = string:RegexSplit( regex, [Options= string], - [Add= regexSplitOutputOptions]) Throws InvalidRegex

%outString = string:Remove( substring, [Count= number])

%outString = string:Replace( substring, replacement, [Count= number])

%outString = string:Reverse

%outString = string:Right( length, [Pad= c])

%outString = string:SHAdigest

%boolean = string:StartsWith( abbreviation)

%outString = string:StringToBase64

%days = string:StringToDays( format, [[CentSpan=] number]) Throws InvalidDateString

%outString = string:StringToHex

%milliseconds = string:StringToMilliseconds( format, [[CentSpan=] number]) Throws InvalidDateString

%seconds = string:StringToSeconds( format, [[CentSpan=] number]) Throws InvalidDateString

%stringTokenizer = string:StringTokenizer[( [TokenChars= string], - [Spaces= string], - [Quotes= string], - [Separators= string])]

%outString = string:Substring( position, [length], [Pad= c])

%outString = string:TimeStringConvert( inputFormat, outputFormat, - [[CentSpan=] number]) Throws InvalidDateString

%outString = string:ToLower

%outString = string:ToString

%outString = string:ToUpper

%outString = string:Translate( characterMap)

%outString = string:TrimLeft( amount)

%outString = string:TrimRight( amount)

%unicode = string:U

%outString = string:Unspace[( [Spaces= string], [Leading= boolean], - [Trailing= boolean], [Compress= boolean])]

%unicode = string:UrlDecodeUnicode[( [AllowUntranslatable= boolean])] Throws CharacterTranslationException

%unicode = string:Utf16ToUnicode[( [AllowUntranslatable= boolean], - [Bom= utf16BOM])] Throws CharacterTranslationException

%unicode = string:Utf8ToUnicode[( [AllowUntranslatable= boolean])] Throws CharacterTranslationException

%selectedWord = string:Word( number, [Spaces= string])

%number = string:WordCount[( [Spaces= string])]

%number = string:WordNumberIn( haystack, [Spaces= string])

%number = string:WordNumberOf( needle, [Spaces= string])

%outString = string:Words( start, [count], [Spaces= string])

%outString = string:X

%doc = string:X509CertificateToXmlDoc Throws InvalidBerData

%doc = string:X509CrlToXmlDoc Throws InvalidBerData

%outString = string:Zip[( [FixedCode= boolean], [LazyMatch= boolean], - [MaxChain= number], [Filename= string], - [LastModified= number])]