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For the summary, syntax, and usage notes, see MONITOR command: Intersystem network entities.


The output of MONITOR LINK, except for UL/DB2, is a display with two lines of headings and multiple lines of values. The upper line (the only line for UL/DB2) of headings is a summary line. Its headings, which depend on the intersystem facility monitored, are a subset of those shown in the table below.

MONITOR LINK summary line
Display heading Displays...


One of the following:

  • Local LU name (from SNA Communications Server APPL definition)
  • CRAM or IUCV channel name
  • Host machine's internet address or, if multiple addresses available, ANY
  • Blank (no meaning)


One of the following:

  • Maximum number of sessions (connections, for CRAM/IUCV) allowed
  • Maximum number of threads allowed (DB2THRD parameter value)


Maximum number of concurrent connections allowed


One of the following:

  • Number of currently bound sessions (connections, for CRAM and IUCV)
  • Number of threads currently in use or on the chain


Number of currently established connections


One of the following:

  • Number of active conversations
  • Threads currently active to DB2


Link status flags; possible values are:

  • A (active)
  • S (stopped)
  • C (being closed)


Communications transmission method and protocol. Possible transport values are:

  • CRAM
  • IUCV
  • LOCL (local)
  • TCP/IP (if CMS)
  • TCSE/IP (if z/OS)
  • TCVS/IP (if z/VSE)
  • TERM (terminal)
  • SNA Communications Server
  • Possible protocol values are:

    • MSTR, master (for CRAM SQL, IUCV SQL, and TPROCESS)
    • XFER, transfer (for Transfer Control)
    • LU62, LU 6.2 (for Horizon and Parallel Query Option/204)
    • CAF, Call Attach Facility (for UL/DB2)


Server port number that remote clients use to connect to the link

The lower line of MONITOR LINK headings are for details of each bound session. Detail line headings are shown in the table below.

MONITOR LINK detail line
Display heading Meaning


External user number (blank, if a conversation is not active)


Process name (blank, if a conversation is not active)


Number of physical sends (zero, if a conversation is not active)


Number of physical receives (zero, if a conversation is not active)


Session status flags; possible values are:

  • B (bind or connection established)
  • F (first speaker)
  • I (inbound)
  • L (local bid is in progress)
  • O (outbound)
  • R (remote bid has been accepted)
  • S CNOS source (Model 204 initiated the connection)
  • T CNOS target (partner initiated the connection)
  • X CNOS control session


Processgroup name (the word OBSOLETE appears to the right if this is a connection that belongs to an obsolete processgroup)


One of the following:

  • Remote partner LU name (blank, for CRAM SQL and IUCV SQL), with the word OBSOLETE appearing to the right if the session belongs to an obsolete processgroup
  • Internet address of partner remote node


Horizon for VTAM link

The following is an example of a MONITOR LINK display for a Horizon link:

MONITOR LINK HEADQTRS LOCAL I.D. MAXSES BNDSES CONVS FLGS TRAN/PROTO ---------- ------ ------ ----- ---- ---------- BOSTM204 4 2 2 A VTAM/LU62 USER PROCESS SENDS RECVS FLGS PROCESSGRP REMOTE I.D. ----- -------- ----- ----- ---- ---------- ----------- 3 PROCESS1 5 4 BI DENVER DENVM204 OBSOLETE 4 PROCESS1 5 4 BI DENVER DENVM204

In this example:

  • HEADQTRS is defined to SNA Communications Server as BOSTM204.

  • There can be as many as four bound sessions on this link (MAXSES=4). This limit was established by the SESSIONS parameter of the DEFINE LINK command.

  • The transport mechanism is SNA Communications Server, and the communication protocol is LU 6.2 (TRAN/PROTO=VTAM/LU62).

  • The link is active (FLGS=A), and there are currently two bound sessions using the link (BNDSES=2), both of which have active conversations (CONVS=2).

  • Both sessions have active conversations using process PROCESS1.

  • Each conversation has issued a number of physical SNA Communications Server sends and receives (SENDS, RECVS).

  • Both conversations are inbound (FLGS=BI), and the processes belong to processgroup DENVER. That the conversations are inbound implies that process PROCESS1, which is used by these conversations, is a server process.

  • The HEADQTRS link is being used for conversations with the remote partner whose LU name is DENVM204 (REMOTE I.D.=DENVM204).

  • User 3 is running with an "obsolete" processgroup, meaning that the processgroup was stopped and a DEFINE PROCESSGROUP command was issued to change the processgroup definition for subsequent usage.

  • User 4 is running with the most recent version of the processgroup definition.

Horizon for TCP/IP link

The following is an example of a MONITOR LINK display for a Horizon for TCP/IP link, using IPv6 network addresses. (IPv6 addresses are supported on IBM z/OS systems only.)

MONITOR LINK TCPSQL LOCAL I.D. ---------- :: MAXCON CONNEC CONVS FLGS TRAN/PROTO PORT# ------ ------ ----- ---- ---------- ----- 49 1 1 A TCSE/IP 6688 USER PROCESS SENDS RECVS FLGS PROCESSGRP REMOTE I.D. ----- -------- ----- ----- ---- ---------- ----------- 13 CCARCL 3 4 BI CTCP10 REMOTE ID: ::FFFF:

In this example:

  • The Local ID has been placed on a separate line because, if IPv6, it can be up to 45 bytes in length.

  • There can be as many as 49 concurrent connections on this link (MAXCON=49). This limit was established by the CONNECTIONS parameter of the DEFINE LINK command.

  • The transport mechanism is TCPSE, and the communication protocol is IP.

  • The link is active (FLGS=A), and one connection is currently established (CONNEC=1), which has an active conversation (CONVS=1).

  • The Horizon for TCP/IP link has a port number (PORT#) that clients use when connecting to the link.

  • CCARCL is the required Model 204 process. In the course of the conversations, CCARCL has issued a number of physical sends and receives (SENDS, RECVS) for user 13.

  • The connection has an active conversation using CCARCL. The conversation is inbound (FLGS=BI), and the process belongs to processgroup CTCP10.

  • The remote address specified on the CTCP10 processgroup definition is ::FFFF: The remote ID is kept on the same line unless longer than 15 bytes, in which case it is put on a separate line.

  • The session partner address for user 13 is an IPv4 application, but it is held as an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address so that it can communicate with the IPv6 host.


The following is an example of a MONITOR LINK display for a CICS TPROCESS link:

MONITOR LINK LK4CICS LOCAL I.D. MAXSES BNDSES CONVS FLGS TRAN/PROTO ---------- ------ ------ ----- ---- ---------- 0 1 1 A TERM/MSTR USER PROCESS SENDS RECVS FLGS PROCESSGRP ----- -------- ----- ----- ---- ---------- 5 PS4CICS 0 0 BFO PGP4CICS

In this example:

  • TPROCESS entity definitions do not include LOCALID or REMOTEID parameters. A TPROCESS connection uses the existing terminal path (CRAM channel) between the CICS terminal and Model 204.

  • Only one connection at a time is allowed on this link. The DEFINE LINK command has no SESSIONS parameter (MAXSES=0).

  • The link is active (FLGS=A), and there is currently an established connection (BNDSES=1), which has an active conversation (CONVS=1).

  • The user thread number (displayed in Model 204 journal/audit trail user statistics) of the conversation is 5 (USER=5).

  • The transport method is to use the existing CRAM channel to the CICS terminal, and the communication protocol is "Parent-Child" (TRAN/PROTO=TERM/MSTR).

  • The conversation uses process PS4CICS. Conversation physical sends and receives (SENDS, RECVS) are not counted.

  • In the conversation, the User Language request initiates ("first speaker") and is considered outbound (FLGS=BFO), and the process belongs to processgroup PGP4CICS.

Monitoring a CNOS link

The value of the TRAN/PROTO option for CNOS is LU62. A link definition does disclose whether a link is CNOS or not. However, when there are sessions on the link, a CNOS session is denoted by an X in the FLGS column, as shown in the following example:

MONITOR LINK LULK1 LOCAL I.D. MAXSES BNDSES CONVS FLGS TRAN/PROTO ---------- ------ ------ ----- ---- ---------- DVCNMB8 50 2 0 A VTAM/LU62 USER PROCESS SENDS RECVS FLGS PROCESSGRP REMOTE I.D. ----- -------- ----- ----- ---- ---------- ----------- 0 0 B CICSRE5 0 0 BX CICSRE5