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What is UL/SPF?

UL/SPF is a family of tools that enhance programmer-productivity and enable performance monitoring, sophisticated journal querying and other programmer, DBA and system administrator activities inside a Model 204 online. UL/SPF is implemented as a set of APSYs, written in User Language. UL/SPF must be installed in each online where its features are needed. Installation requires Rocket M204 SOUL code, some files that must be allocated locally, and the creation of the necessary APSYs. The source code for all UL/SPF subsystems is in the SIRIUS procedure file, which must be physically allocated to the online for the installation process. The Sirius Mods must also be installed in the target online prior to the installation of UL/SPF.

How do I get the UL/SPF installation file?

SOUL code for the UL/SPF product is distributed in the form of a dump of the SIRIUS file from the Rocket M204 support site. On most browsers a fly-out menu will provide options to Save Link As... or Save Target As... or something similar. After selecting a target directory, the file will download in binary format.

Alternatively, the left mouse button can be clicked on the link for a dump file. This will usually result in the browser prompting the user whether the file should be saved, where it should be saved and under what name.

Download times depend on the speed of your connection.

Aternatively, the dump file can be e-mailed as an attachment by clicking on the e-mail link above. The attached binary should be saved to a local file and then uploaded to the mainframe exactly as if it had been downloaded directly. E-mail delivery can be useful if your firewall disallows web downloads.

How can the dump file be uploaded to the mainframe?

The Sirius dump file must then be uploaded to your MVS, VM or VSE system on your mainframe. Any file transfer mechanism can be used including FTP and IND$FILE, but regardless of the transfer mechanism some rules must be observed.

First, the dump files contain binary data, and so must be transferred as binary. That is, no translation from ASCII to EBCDIC must occur as a result of the upload.

Second, the format and LRECL of the file must be specified during the upload. This is because most workstation systems (including Windows, Mac OS and Unix) do not have a concept of file formats and LRECL's. The format of the uploaded file must be F and the LRECL must be 6184. Under MVS and VSE the blocksize must be 6184.

When using FTP, the characteristics (RECFM, LRECL and BLOCKSIZE) of the uploaded file can be set with the SITE and LOCSITE FTP commands. The SITE command should be used if the FTP client is on the workstation and the server is on the mainframe. In this case the SITE command might have to be sent as a "quote" to the mainframe. How this is done, depends on your workstation's FTP client. The LOCSITE command should be used if the FTP client is on the mainframe and the server is on the workstation.

How can the uploaded files be installed on the mainframe?

Once uploaded to your mainframe, use the standard Model 204 RESTORE command to restore the dump file to a Model 204 file with a DDNAME of SIRIUS.

File Size: The SIRIUS file must be allocated with at least 4200 Model 204 pages.

The rest of the installation process for the Sirius Software User Language products is described in the <a href=""> UL/SPF Installation and Maintenance Guide</a>, including ancilliary files that must be allocated.

Applying Maintenance

The uploaded files will contain all the latest maintenance. As such, no maintenance need be applied to the uploaded file. Subsequent fixes can be applied by downloading User Language fixes, loading them into the SIRFIXES file and applying them to the appropriate Model 204 file with SIRFIX. Most sites find it easier to return to this page and re-download a new copy of the SIRIUS file, as the downloadable copy always has the latest maintenance applied.