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Dictionary/204 Is a set of application subsystems (aka APSYs) running inside a Model 204 Online that provide full-screen and web-based tools to aid programmers, DBAs, and system managers to handle the complexities of User Language and file and system management.

Installing Dictionary/204 requires downloading the M204PROC file and restoring it to your environment, setting up some subsidiary Model 204 files, and verifying that the environment has the appropriate parameter settings.

Upgrades to UL/SPF can almost always be handled by restoring a fresh copy of the M204PROC file.

A summary of the Dictionary/204 installation steps

The following checklist specifies in brief the steps to follow installing Dictionary/204, whether for MVS, CMS or VSE. The sections Installing Dictionary/204 under VSE Installing UL/SPF under CMS and Installing UL/SPF under MVS describe these steps in greater detail for each operating system.

  1. Allocate the space required for the M204PROC data set, and RESTORE it from the DUMP files found on the website.

    In addition, there may be any number of other data sets required for the Dictionary/204 components you are installing. These are listed in Installation checklist (VSE) ,Installation checklist (CMS) and Installation checklist (MVS).

  2. Update the Online JCL or EXEC:
    • Add the DD cards, FILEDEFs or DLBLs for the Dictionary/204 files.
  3. Update CCAIN parameters:
    • Increase NFILES, NDCBS, and NDIR for the Dictionary/204 files.
    • Verify the online has at least 10 SDAEMON threads (each typically defined as an IODEV15).
  4. Start the Online, using an ONLINE load module that contains the Model 204 Version 7.5 or higher.
  5. Open file M204PROC and execute the following command:


    Follow the instructions presented on the installation screen (and in the Help text for the screen).

  6. Verify success of the installation by compiling each Dictionary/204 APSY.
  7. Use the APSY named DICTADMIN to customize the Dictionary/204 environment.

Preparing for Dictionary/204 installation

The Dictionary/204 products are implemented as Model 204 subsystems. The code for all the component subsystems resides in the file named M204PROC which is typically downloaded from the product section of the website.

Obtaining product installation files

The files necessary for the installation are available from the Rocket Software website.

To download product files from the Rocket website:

  1. On the Rocket M204 Customer Care page, select the "Download Dictionary/204 files" link in the "Downloads and Uploads" section to access the "Dictionary/204 files for Rocket Software Inc." page.
  2. After providing your registered customer login information, download the latest version of the Dictionary/204 file (which is labeled "Dictionary/204 products in one file" followed by a version number).

    A "Click here" link on this page provides Help on downloading format, some information about different browser behaviors, file sizing information, and more.

Determining eligible products

To download files or maintenance from the Rocket M204 Customer Care area of the Rocket website, you must have a registered Rocket user ID (contact Technical Support if you need an ID). The website will show only products for which your organization is up to date on maintenance or rental payments. If a product does not appear on your download page and you believe it should, contact Technical Support.

System requirements

  • Dictionary/204 operates in a Model 204 Online region.

    In the rest of this document, "Online" refers to a region of Model 204 running an ONLINE load module containing Version 7.5 or higher

  • User privileges

    The installing user must have:

    • Update access to the JCL or EXECs that bring up the host Online.
    • System Manager privileges, as well as access to all of the Dictionary/204 subsystems and the JCL or EXEC that runs the Online Model 204 region.

    New Install or Reinstall

    • Sites that have never installed UL/SPF must use the New installation, as there are a number of files to allocate and Model 204 parameters to update.
    • Sites that are re-installing the latest version of Dictionary/204 may use the #A "Reinstall (DDRINST)" for existing Dictionary/204 sites or the New installation to create a new set of Dictionary/204 files.
    • If you are upgrading from a previous version or maintenance level, your site already has the Dictionary files which contain information on the customers environment.

    A "Reinstall" for existing Dictionary/204 sites

    You can verify the Dictionary/204 version either in the title of any Dictionary/204 screen. Here are the "ReInstall" steps:

    1. In the Rocket M204 Customer Care page of the Rocket website, select the "Download Dictionary/204 files" link in the "Downloads and Uploads" section to access the "Dictionary/204 files for Rocket Software Inc." page.
    2. Download the latest version of the M204PROC file (which is labeled "All Dictionary/204 products in one file" followed by a version number).
    3. Verify that the Online in which you are installing contains a version of Model204 equal to or greater than the Dictionary/204 version.
    4. Restore the M204PROC file into a 6000-page file on your mainframe. The DDNAME for this file in your Model 204 regions is also M204PROC.

      If you are upgrading from a previous release, simply overlay your old M204PROC file.

    5. In file M204PROC, run the procedure DICN.DDRINST to install the downloaded release.

    The Dictionary/204 APSYs can be set to AUTOSTART if you like.

    Installing Dictionary/204 under CMS

    This section gives instructions for installing Dictionary/204 under CMS, including general system and software requirements. It assumes you have reviewed Preparing for Dictionary/204 installation for details about Dictionary/204 system requirements.

    The M204PROC Model 204 file, which contains the SOUL code that runs Dictionary/204, can be obtained from the Rocket website.

    File name Contents
    various Files required for the installation of Sirius Mods. See the Sirius Mods Installation Guide for more details.
    ULSPF DUMPSIRI A Model 204 dump of the SIRIUS file, which is required for all the subsystems.
    ULSPF DUMPFIX A Model 204 dump of the SIRFIXES file, (the use of which is now deprecated).

    Installation steps:

    1. Install the Sirius Mods.

      UL/SPF requires a matching or greater version number of the Sirius Mods. For information about installing the Sirius Mods, see the Sirius Mods Installation Guide.

    2. Allocate space for the UL/SPF files, and restore them from the distribution tape or from the dump files downloaded from the Rocket website.
      1. Define and format a minidisk to hold the UL/SPF installation files. 3400 4096-byte CMS blocks should be sufficient in all cases. This requires a 44-cylinder CMS minidisk on a 3390.
      2. Attach a tape drive at virtual address 181 to the owner of the installation minidisk defined in step A. Mount the UL/SPF distribution tape on this tape drive.
      3. Load the files appropriate to your site with the VMFPLC2 LOAD command. This can be done most simply with the following sequence of commands:


      4. Allocate space for the required Model 204 data sets. A skeleton exec, ULSPFAL, is provided for this purpose. Modify this exec to perform the allocations on the appropriate minidisks. Allocate space for the following data sets:
        SIRIUS 4200 pages; must always be allocated.
        SIRLOCAL 1200 pages; must always be allocated.
        SIRSTATS or MONDATA 60000 pages; only if you are installing SirMon. Use MONDATA for versions 7.7 and earlier. Use SIRSTATS for versions 8.1 and later.
        SIRFILED 1200 pages; only if you are installing SirFile.
        SIRLIBD 1200 pages; only if you are installing SirLib.
        SIRLIBP 1200 pages; only if you are installing SirLib.
        SIRTPROC 2000 pages; only if you are installing SirLib. This file can and should be sized much larger if you maintain hundreds or thousands of concurrent change decks in SirLib.
        JANCAT 1200 pages; only if you are installing Janus OMNI.
        JANSSL 1200 pages; only if you are installing Janus Network Security.

        Attention: If you are upgrading from a previous release, keep your old copy of SIRLOCAL and any application-specific data files, like JANCAT, SIRLIBD, SIRFILED, or SIRSTATS. The installation process uses these files to determine whether to perform upgrade actions or new-installation actions.

      5. Restore the SIRIUS file with the LOADPROC exec.

        To restore, customize the FILEDEF inside the LOADPROC exec to conform to local standards. In addition, modify LOADPROC CCAIN to contain a valid login ID and password. If, for example, you are using the SIRIUS file for the first time, make sure it is created, opened, and initialized before the RESTORE.

        To run the LOADPROC exec, make sure the Online execs and load modules are on an accessed disk, then enter this command:


    3. Complete steps 3 through the end in the "Installing UL/SPF under MVS" section, below.

    Installing Dictionary/204 under MVS

    This section gives instructions for installing Dictionary/204 under MVS, including the general system and software requirements. If you received your product on tape, the following instructions apply. If like most sites, you download products and updates from the Rocket website, see the instructions in A "Quick Install" for existing UL/SPF sites.

    Note: The product installation tape for MVS has an internal label of SIRIUS, and it contains UL/SPF files in an IEBCOPY-unloaded PDS on file 3 of the tape. Before continuing, unless you have downloaded the product files from the website, you must load to disk the unloaded PDS before you can RESTORE the individual members to Model 204 files.

    The following JCL loads the UL/SPF files to disk:


    The JCL includes references to these files:

    File Num / Name Contents
    1 / SIRIUS.LIB File required for the installation of Sirius Mods. See the Sirius Mods Installation Guide for more details.
    3 / SIRIUS.ULSPF(DUMPSIRI) A Model 204 DUMP of the SIRIUS file that is required for all the subsystems.
    3 / SIRIUS.ULSPF(DUMPFIX) A Model 204 DUMP of the SIRFIXES file. This file is deprecated and not necessary for this installation.

    Installation checklist (MVS)

    1. Allocate the space required for the Dictionary/204 files. If you are creating a new M204PROC file from scratch, just this will not be a problem. But if you are restoring into your existing SIRIUS file, you will have to CREATE the file first (to wipe out existing content) before you execute the RESTORE. The command sequence is something like:


      Attention: If you are upgrading from a previous release, keep your old copies of Dictionary/204 files The installation process uses these files to determine whether to perform upgrade actions or new-installation actions.

    2. Restore M204PROC, noting the following:
      • Modify LOADPROC in the JCL library created during the $functions installation (usually SIRIUS.Vxxx.LIB, where xxx is a version number) to refer to an appropriate load module and CCAxxxxx files. Note that LOADPROC may have been customized for your site to include only those files relevant to your installation process.
      • Rename database DSNs to conform to local standards.
      • Provide a valid logon ID and password for the CCAIN stream for this job. If, for example, you are using the M204PROC file for the first time, make sure it is created, opened, and initialized before the RESTORE.
    3. Update the Online JCL or EXEC:
      1. Add DD (MVS) cards or FILEDEFs (CMS) for the UL/SPF files. The following list identifies the files for which DD cards or FILEDEFs may be needed:
    4. M204PROC 6000 pages; must always be allocated.
      METADATA 1200 pages; must always be allocated.
      DATALINK4000 pages;
      M204TEMP 1200 pages; only if you are installing SirFile.
      D204RPT 1200 pages; only if you are installing SirLib.
      D204SYS 1200 pages; only if you are installing SirLib.
      m204DCTL 2000 pages; only if you are installing SirLib. This file can and should be sized much larger if you maintain hundreds or thousands of concurrent change decks in SirLib.
      M204PROC Must always be allocated.
      METADATA Must always be allocated.
      DATALINK If installing SirMon and using the web interface. Use MONDATA for UL/SPF versions 7.7 and prior. Use SIRSTATS for UL/SPF versions 8.1 and later.
      M204TEMP If installing SirFile.
      SIRLIBD, SIRLIBP, SIRTPROC If installing SirLib.
      JANCAT If installing JANUS OMNI Access Module.
      JANSSL If installing JANUS SSL Module.
    5. Verify that the Online environment allows the use of file groups and APSY subsystems.
      • To use permanent file groups, the Online must have allocated an initialized CCAGRP file, and the SYSOPT parameter must contain the 2 bit.
      • To use APSYs, an Online must have allocated an initialized CCASYS file (with all fields defined), and the SYSOPT parameter must contain the 1 bit.
      For more information about APSYs and file groups, see File groups and System requirements for Application Subsystems.
  • Verify the Online has a minimum of 10 Sdaemon threads allocated. Each of these threads is typically defined as IODEV15.
  • Modify the User 0 stream.

    Adjust these parameters:

    NFILES Increase by the number of UL/SPF files.
    NDCBS Increase by the number of UL/SPF files.
    NDIR Increase by the number of UL/SPF files.
    NORQS Verify setting is at least 5.
  • Start the Model 204 Online region, verifying that it points to a load module containing the Sirius Mods.
  • Issue OPEN FILE M204PROC (no password is required), and execute the following command:


    This procedure performs all installation functions for new users, and all upgrade functions for reinstalling users. No user profiles or other site-specific customization will be lost. If any problems are encountered while running this procedure, correct the problem and re-execute.

    During APSY execution, some error messages are not suppressed to aid in diagnosing any installation problems.

    For example, you will be able to see if an installation failed because a file was enqueued in a different Online, etc.
  • Add users to the appropriate SCLASSes for any private or semi-public UL/SPF APSYs.

    The installing user is automatically added to the administration SCLASS in all UL/SPF APSYs.

  • Verify the installation of the subsystem(s) by compiling all of the subsystems.
    Enter ... To test the ...
    START SUBSYS DOCUMENT Documentation environment
    START SUBSYS FILEMGMT File building tool
    START SUBSYS SUBSYSMGMT Defining APSY subsystems
    START SUBSYS DICTREPORT Dictionary report subsystem
    START SUBSYS XREF Cross reference reporting subsystem

    If any of these subsystems fails to compile, ensure that the subsystem is STOPped, and run it under TEST DEBUG mode. For example, to determine why DICTIONARY failed to compile, enter:


  • This step is optional. Modify the online input stream so User 0 initializes (compiles) the UL/SPF subsystems. Do this by placing one or more of the following in User 0's input stream:


    This ensures that the subsystems are started for non-administrative users, and it shifts the overhead of compilation to a non-peak computing period.

  • Review the Dictionary/204 server size and additional customization section, below, for specific requirements of individual APSY components of Dictionary/204.
  • Note: CCATEMP usage may increase with Dictionary/204/var>. CCATEMP should be monitored (VIEW TEMPSIZE, VIEW TEMPMAX) to ensure that sufficient space is allocated to accommodate the additional activity.

    Dictionary/204 server size and additional customization

    The minimum Dictionary/204 server size requirements are listed below. The actual server size requirements may vary slightly, because of table settings in the local Online Model 204 regions, and because of slight differences between UTABLE requirements in different versions of Model 204.

    Subsystem name Minimum server
    XREF 135K