XmlDoc/XmlNode methods syntax
The syntax for each of the XmlDoc/XmlNode class methods is shown below.
Square brackets indicate optional elements of the method invocation. See also the notation conventions for methods and the List of XmlDoc/XmlNode methods.
[%object=] nr:AddComment( comment)
[%object=] nr:AddElement( name, [value], [uri])
[%object=] nr:AddPI( name, value)
[%object=] nr:AddSubtree( xmlNode, [DefaultURI= defaultURI])
nr:Audit[( [xpath], [options])]
%unicode= nr:DefaultURI[( [xpath])]
nr:DeleteSubtree[( [unicode])]
%boolean= nr:Exists( unicode)
%number= nr:Length[( [xpath])]
nr:LoadFromRecord[( [AttributeValues= attributeValues], - [AttributeNames= attributeNames], - [NamesToLower= namesToLower], - [AllowUnreversible= allowUnreversible], - [CodepageTable= codepageTable])]
[%number=] nr:LoadFromStringlist( stringlist, [string])
[%number=] nr:LoadXml( string, [string])
%unicode= nr:LocalName[( [name])]
%unicode= nr:Prefix[( [prefix])]
%unicode= nr:PrefixURI( prefix, [xpath])
nr:Print[( [xpath], [options])]
%unicode= nr:Qname[( [qname])]
%number= nr:SelectCount( unicode)
%object= nr:SelectNodes[( [xpath])]
%object= nr:SelectSingleNode[( [xpath])]
%string= nr:Serial[( [xpath], [options], - [AddTrailingDelimiter= addTrailingDelimiter])]
%string= nr:ToXPathString[( [xpath])]
%object= nr:ToXPathStringlist[( [xpath])]
nr:Trace[( [xpath], [options])]
%xmlNodeType= nr:Type[( [xpath])]
%unicode= nr:URI[( [xpath])]
[%number=] nr:Validate( schema, [options])
%unicode= nr:Value[( [xpath])]
%unicode= nr:ValueDefault[( [xpath], [value])]
%object= nr:XPathNodeID[( [xpath])]