BAUTOTYP parameter

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Table B auto increase options (obsolete) (obs)


Default value
Parameter type
Where set
At file creation and can be reset by file manager
Related products
Model 204 V6.1 or earlier


The BAUTOTYP parameter allows an automatic increase in Table B when the file becomes full due to a lack of space in Table B and controls the number of pages used to increase Table B when the file is physically opened.

The valid settings of BAUTOTYP, which can be summed, are:

Setting Meaning
X’00’ No automatic increase in Table B occurs when the file becomes full.
X’01’ Automatically increase Table B occurs when it becomes full.
X’02’ At each physical open only, in addition to the regular automatic increase of Table B, more pages can be added if needed to maximize the number of pages used by automatic increase when the file becomes full due to a lack of space in Table B.


BAUTOTYP is obsolete as of Model 204 version 7.1. You can view the BAUTOTYP parameter on files created prior to V7R1 but you cannot reset it.