Debugger Client Beta documentation
This page describes any beta versions of the Janus/Tn3270 Debugger Workstation Client that are available.
Build 63, Tag 1 Beta
Run Until/White list/Black list with Daemons
When used with Model 204 Version 7.6 and up, Build 63 performs the procedure name matching for RUN UNTIL, White Lists and Black Lists on DAEMONS as well as the main/master level. Prior to this feature, matching only occurred at the main/master level. For example RUNUNTIL desiredProc will stop if a DAEMON includes desiredProc.
The Janus Debugger Client supports Proxy Auto Config (PAC) files, to provide a method to control which web requests are routed through the Janus Debugger Client when Internet Explorer (IE) is used. IE references PAC files with a URL. Prior to Build 63, only file mode URLs are supported (file:), which requires the PAC files generated by the debugger client to be stored on the local file system of the debugger client. As of version 11, IE is deprecating the use of file URLs for PAC files and wants http (http:) URLs to be used. Eventually file URLs will not be supported at all, hence the need for this feature.
The client has been modified to upload the PAC files generated in the existing "New Pac" or "Merged Pac" mode to an HTTP server. It had also been modified to set the PAC URL in IE to an http style URL that points to the PAC that was generated and uploaded.
HTTP Server requirements/setup for PAC files
Before changing client settings you must provide an HTTP (Web) server which will hold the PAC files. Any web server that supports HTTP PUT and GET may be used. This document provides an example of how to set up a Janus Web Server to handle HTTP based PAC files. Note that the PAC files are temporary; when the client starts a new PAC is generated and uploaded. This prevents the problem of http PAC files being out of date since they are based on workstation based configuration files which can change at any time.
The following SOUL program takes one command line argument, a TCP/IP port number, and creates a Janus Web server for uploading and serving PAC files:
begin variables are undefined local subroutine closeFile(%iFile is string len 8 input) * Close the file whose name is passed. Messages surpressed. %rc is float $resetn('MSGCTL', 6, %rc) $close('FILE ' with %iFile) $resetn('MSGCTL', 0, %rc) end subroutine local function openFile(%iFile is string len 8 input) is float * Open the file whose name is passed and return 0 for success or * non-zero for failure. Messages surpressed. %rc is float $resetn('MSGCTL', 6, %rc) openc file %iFile $resetn('MSGCTL', 0, %rc) return $status end function * Get and validate the command line argument: port number %args is object stringlist %args = %(system):arguments:unspace:parseLines(', ') %portNumber is float if (%args:count eq 0) then print 'No port number specified' stop elseif (%args:count > 1) then print 'Too many arguments' stop elseif (%args(1) is not like '/2-5(#)') then print 'Invalid port number' stop else %portNumber = %args(1) end if %pacRepo is string len 8 initial('JDPACREP') %worker is object daemon auto new %workForDaemon is object Stringlist auto new * See if the memory file for a PAC repository is there, if not create it if (%(local):openFile(%pacRepo) eq 0) then printText Memory file {%pacRepo} already present %(local):closeFile(%pacRepo) else printText creating memory file {%pacRepo} text to %workForDaemon = new ALLOCATE {%pacrepo} WITH MEMORY PAGES=300 CREATE {%pacrepo} PARAMETER BSIZE=1, DSIZE=250 END OPENC {%pacrepo} IN {%pacrepo} INITIALIZE CLOSE {%pacrepo} end text %worker:run(%workForDaemon):print end if * Set up a simple Janus web server with web rules for loading * serving and listing PAC files generated bythe debugger client. %portName is string len 8 initial('JDPACSRV') * Get rid of any earlier one, so this script can be rerun as needed text to %workForDaemon = new JANUS DRAIN {%portName} JANUS DELETE {%portName} end text %worker:run(%workForDaemon) * Create the server and its rules text to %workForDaemon = new * Create a web server JANUS DEFINE {%portName} {%portNumber} WEBSERV 20 TRACE 7 * Allow upload of PAC files via HTTP PUT of a URL of format /pacman/xxx.js JANUS WEB {%portName} ON PUT /PACMAN/*.JS OPEN FILE {%pacRepo} RECV *.JS BASE64 JANUS WEB {%portName} ALLOW PUT /PACMAN/*.JS * Provide HTTP GET access for URLs of format /pacman/xxx.js JANUS WEB {%portName} ON GET /PACMAN/*.JS OPEN FILE {%pacRepo} - SEND *.JS BINARY EXPIRE +0 * Start the web server JANUS START {%portName} end text %worker:run(%workForDaemon):print end
Since the PAC files are temporary, the are stored in a memory file (not persistent between runs). This also means that this procedure does not need any disk files, DD cards, etc. The PAC files are stored as Model 204 procedures. The PAC file procedures created by the client (see the following sections), have names based on the IP number of the client workstation to avoid conflicts.
DebuggerConfig.xml changes
Once the HTTP server is set up to accept and serve PAC files, the debugger client configuration must be updated to identify it.
<debuggerConfig version="1.0"> <httpPacURL>http://pacServerHost:pacServerPort/pacman</httpPacURL>
Preferences UI changes
- File->preferences
- If newPac or mergedPac is selected and the configuration has been set up.
- Preferences Section->PAC Button
SetIeMode command changes
setIeMode {none|proxy|newPac|mergedPac} [file|http]
ShowIE command changes
ShowIE has been enhanced to display URL info for any PAC file in use by the debugger client. For example:
Command: showie Current ie mode: mergedPac Current ie settings ...Proxy flags=(5) ...Proxy server=() ...Proxy bypass=() ...Proxy autoConfigUrl=(http://pacServerHost:pacServerPort/pacman/PAC. ...Raw flag byte=(05) ...Read from registry key=(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings) Generated New Pac file: c:\debugger\stateFiles\debuggerInternalPac.js Added: 54 web servers from the configuration. Generated Pac File: Pac file shown here pacURLMode: http httpPacUrl='http://pacServerHost:pacServerPort/pacman/' httpPac upload filename: 'PAC.'
RetryHTTPPac command
&¤tPacFile function added
The &¤tPacFile function returns the URL of the PAC file in use or "" if none. The URL returned could bee either a file: or http: style URL.
Command: echo &¤tPacFile Macro message: http://pacServerHost:pacServerPort/pacman/PAC.
Other new commands
httpPutFile file url Do an HTTP PUT file upload for the file and URL specified httpPutString string url Do an HTTP PUT file upload for the string and URL specified httpGet file url Do an HTTP GET for the URL specified, display in console