MQ/204 options for commands and statements
The definition and activity of MQ/204 queue managers, queues, and messages can be defined and changed using options. For review of how options are changed and passed by MQ/204 statements and commands, see Rules of inheritance.
MQ/204 options
The options in the following table apply to the commands and statements listed.
Note: You cannot use option=%variable in a DEFINE QUEUE command.
Option | Purpose | Discussion | Can be set on... |
ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG | If a message was truncated because the target was too small, removes it from the queue; or, if browsing, advances the browse cursor. | Corresponds to the WebSphere MQ option MQGMO_ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
NO_ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG(default) | Truncated message is not removed from the queue; the browse cursor is not advanced. | This option is the alternate to ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG option. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
ACCOUNTINGTOKEN='value' or =%variable |
Sets the value of the Accounting Token portion of the identity context. | String from 1 to 32 characters long. | MQPUT MQPUT1 |
ALL_MSGS_AVAILABLE | Use on an MQGET call to retrieve only messages that belong to complete groups, as well as messages that do not belong to a group. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
NOT_ALL_MSGS_AVAILABLE (default) | Use on an MQGET call to retrieve any message in the queue, including partial groups. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
ALLOW_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT | Passes origin context information on all subsequent MQPUT calls. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQOO_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT.
Can be specified only if the OUTPUT option is also specified. |
ALLOW_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT | Passes identity context information on all subsequent MQPUT calls. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQOO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT.
Can be specified only if the OUTPUT option is also specified. |
ALLOW_SET_ALL_CONTEXT | Sets origin context information on all subsequent MQPUT calls. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQOO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT.
Can be specified only if the OUTPUT option is also specified. |
ALLOW_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT | Sets identify context information on all subsequent MQPUT calls. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQOO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT.
Can be specified only when the OUTPUT option is also specified. |
APPLIDENTITYDATA='value' or =%variable |
Sets the value of the ApplIdentityData portion of the identity context. | String from 1 to 32 characters long.
Defaults to blanks. |
APPLORIGINDATA='value' or =%variable |
Sets the value of the ApplOriginData portion of the origin context. | String from 1 to 4 characters long.
Defaults to blanks. |
BROWSE | Examines messages without removing them from the queue. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQOO_BROWSE.
Compatible with all other access options. |
BROWSE_FIRST | First message is retrieved, but not deleted from the queue:
Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST; is mutually exclusive with BROWSE_NEXT.
You can specify this option only if the queue was opened in browse mode. |
BROWSE_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR | Reread the same message again. | You would typically do this to unlock a locked message or vice versa.
See the LOCK and UNLOCK options later in this table. |
BROWSE_NEXT | Next message, relative to the current browse position, is retrieved, but not deleted from the queue:
Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT; is mutually exclusive with BROWSE_FIRST.
You can specify this option only if the queue was opened in browse mode. |
BUFLEN=n or =%variable | Specifies the maximum number of bytes to get or put. | Resized according to size of BUFFER (formerly and still accepted MQ_BUFFER) area. | MQGET MQPUT |
CONTEXT=name or =%variable | Passes name of a queue entity from which context information should be passed. | Context can be passed only from a queue that is opened for input with the SAVE_ALL_CONTEXT option. |
CONVERT (default) | Converts messages from one system to another for the convenience of the recipient; from EBCDIC to ASCII, for example. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQGMO_CONVERT. | MQGET |
CORRELID='msgid '
or =%variable |
Value to place in the correlation ID field of the message. On a reply message, the ID of the request being replied to (MQMD.MsgId) is often set in this field. However, the correlation ID might be set on any message type. | String from 1 to 24 characters long containing a correlation ID to use as matching criterion.
Default is blanks. Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQMD.CorrelId. You can specify the value as a %variable. |
DEFAULT_CONTEXT | Message is put with the default context information. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ option MQPMO_DEFAULT_CONTEXT.
Mutually exclusive with:
DELETE | Deletes a permanent local dynamic queue when there are no more messages on the queue and no uncommitted MQGET or MQPUT requests outstanding. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ option MQCO_DELETE. | CLOSE QUEUE |
DELETE_PURGE | Deletes a temporary local dynamic queue and purges all outstanding messages and requests. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ option MQCO_DELETE_PURGE. | CLOSE QUEUE |
DESCRIPTOR=image (optional) |
Image in which to place the message descriptor (MQMD structure). (See MQPUT statement.) |
A given application might not need the message descriptor. If the size of this image is less than the size of an MQMD, then the MQMD is truncated. | MQGET MQPUT |
or =%variable |
Specifies the name of a preallocated WebSphere MQ model queue. | Must be set with the MODEL option. | MQOPEN |
or =UNLIMITED or =%variable |
Expiration period of the message in tenths of a second. | Corresponds to MQMD.Expiry field. The default is UNLIMITED (no expiration). | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
FAIL_IF_QUIESCING | Operation fails if the queue manager is inactive. | Corresponds to the WebSphere MQ MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING option. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
NO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING (default) | Operation waits if the queue manager is inactive. | This option is the alternate to FAIL_IF_QUIESCING option. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
FEEDBACK=NONE (default) or =n |
Feedback (or reason code) that accompanies a REPORT message. |
This value is used only on a REPORT. Valid values are:
Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQMD.Feedback. |
FORMAT=format or =%variable |
Name of the conversion exit set. | String of 1 to 8 characters.
Conversion exit is invoked when the received message uses a different character set or number format than those specified in the message descriptor. Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQMD.Format field. There is no default conversion exit set. |
GROUPID | The GROUPID is a 24-byte field that you specify when writing messages that belong to a group. You must specify GROUPID as a null string (or spaces) on the first message of any group. | For MQGET, MQPUT, and MQPUT1 calls, the group identifier of the message is returned in the MQMD, not in the GROUPID field, which is always an input field only.
On an MQGET call, this is an input field when MATCH_GROUP_ID is specified. |
The one-byte GSTATUS field determines whether the message is part of a group. The possible values are:
On MQGET operations, this is an output %variable. If you are writing messages that belong to a group but are not in logical order, set this to 'L' for the message that has the highest sequence number.
The default, for MQPUT and MQPUT1 operations, is null--the message does not form part of a group. |
INPUT_AS_Q_DEF (default for local queues) |
Gets messages with shared or exclusive access based on the default selected when the queue was created. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQOO_INPUT_ AS_Q_DEF.
Mutually exclusive with:
INPUT_EXCLUSIVE | Gets messages and deletes them from the queue, with exclusive access to the queue. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE.
Mutually exclusive with:
INPUT_SHARED | Gets messages and deletes them from the queue, with shared access to the queue. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQOO_INPUT_SHARED.
Mutually exclusive with:
LOCK | LOCK lets you browse a queue and lock the current message so that other threads do not see it. | The default is not to lock messages while browsing them. | MQGET |
UNLOCK | UNLOCK lets you remove a lock from a previously-locked message. | When you specify UNLOCK, the message itself is not returned, it is just unlocked. | MQGET |
LOGICAL_ORDER | Write one group at a time and write messages in sequential order, starting at 1. | This is the simpler way of writing a group of messages. However, it is not the default. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
NOT_LOGICAL_ORDER (default) | This option gives you more control over the writing of groups, but requires that you specify SEQUENCE and GROUPID for each message. | You can also use this setting for messages that are not a group. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
MARK_SKIP_BACKOUT | Messages taken from the queue under syncpoint control are not placed back on the queue if the user or the Online issues an MQBACK. | Messages are placed back on the queue, if the MQBACK is issued by the WebSphere MQ system software.
Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQGMO_MARK_SKIP_BACKOUT. This option can be useful to prevent get, error, back out loops. See Messages that cause errors. |
MATCH_CORREL_ID (default) | Retrieve messages that match the specified CORRELID. | If CORRELID is not specified, this option is ignored. | MQGET |
NOT_MATCH_CORREL_ID | Retrieve any message in the queue, if CORRELID is specified. | MQGET | |
MATCH_MSG_GROUP_ID | Retrieve messages that match the specified GROUPID. | The queue must be indexed by GROUPID. | MQGET |
MATCH_MSG_ID (default) | Retrieve messages that match the specified MSGID. | If MSGID is not specified, this option is ignored. | MQGET |
NOT_MATCH_MSG_ID | Retrieve any message in the queue, if MSGID is specified. | MQGET | |
MATCH_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER | Retrieve the message that matches SEQUENCE for the current group. If there is no current group, the only valid value of SEQUENCE is 1. | The queue must be indexed by GROUPID. | MQGET |
MATCH_MSG_TOKEN | Use this to retrieve messages that match the specified MSGTOKEN | The queue must be indexed by MSGTOKEN. | MQGET |
MODEL=name or =%variable |
Specifies the internal, Model 204 name of the local dynamic queue. | Must be set in the same statement with the DYNAMICQNAME option. | MQOPEN |
Removes the message under the current browse position from the queue (a real MQGET). | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQGMO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR.
Specify only if the queue is in both browse and input modes: cannot be specified with BROWSE_FIRST or BROWSE_NEXT. |
MSGID='msgid ' or =%variable |
Message identifier to use as matching criterion. | Value is either a %variable or a string from 1-24 characters that:
Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQMD.MsgId. |
MSGLEN=%variable | Specifies an output variable in which to return the actual message length. | Returned message length is less in the event of truncation. | MQGET |
MSGTOKEN | You can select messages by 16-byte message token (MSGTOKEN) by specifying this field as an input field on MQGET statements with MATCH_MSG_TOKEN. | This is also an output field, retrieving the message token that was assigned by the queue manager. (On the MQGET call, it can also be an input field, if MATCH_MSG_TOKEN is specified. | MQGET MQPUT |
Specifies the type of message; sets the MQMD.MsgType. |
Types specified by keyword are:
NEW_CORREL_ID | This option on the MQPUT statement tells the queue manager to generate a new correlation ID for the message. | The CORRELID option should not be specified with this option, because the queue manager generates a unique correlation identifier, rather than taking it from the CORRELID option. | MQPUT MQPUT1 |
NO_CONTEXT | Message is placed in the queue without any context information. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ option MQPMO_NO_CONTEXT.
Mutually exclusive with:
NO_CONVERT | Specifies turning off MQGMO_CONVERT. | Used in error-handling code to remove messages that did not convert from within the SOUL application and are now stuck on the queue. | MQGET |
OUTPUT (default for remote queues) | Puts messages. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ option MQOO_OUTPUT. | OPEN QUEUE |
PASS_ALL_CONTEXT | All context information is passed through from an input queue. | Corresponds to the WebSphere MQ option MQPMO_PASS_ALL_CONTEXT.
Mutually exclusive with:
PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT | Identity context information is passed through from an input queue. | Corresponds to the WebSphere MQ option MQPMO_PASS_IDENTITY_CONTEXT.
Mutually exclusive with:
PASS_USER_CONTEXT | Passes user context from the queue identified in the CONTEXT parameter. | UserIdentifier field value from the last MQGET is passed along with the ALTERNATE_USER_AUTHORITY option. The queue is opened according to the authority granted. | MQPUT1 OPEN QUEUE |
PERSISTENT | Persistent message that survives a restart of the queue manager. | Corresponds to the WebSphere MQ option MQPER_PERSISTENT of the field MQMD.Persistence.
This option is an alternate to NOT_PERSISTENT and PERSISTENCE_AS_Q_DEF. |
NOT_PERSISTENT | Message that does not survive restart of the queue manager. | Corresponds to the WebSphere MQ option MQPER_NOT_PERSISTENT of the field MQMD.Persistence.
This option is an alternate to PERSISTENT and PERSISTENCE_AS_Q_DEF. |
PERSISTENCE_AS_Q_DEF (default) | Persistence of the message defaults to the persistence selected when the queue was defined. | Corresponds to the WebSphere MQ option PERSISTENCE_AS_Q_DEF of the field MQMD.Persistence.
This option is tan alternate to PERSISTENT and NOT_PERSISTENT. |
Priority of the message in the range from 0 to 9; zero is the lowest priority. | Default is priority for the queue object as defined within WebSphere MQ.
Corresponds to MQMD.Priority field in a WebSphere MQ control block. |
PUTAPPLNAME='value' or =%variable |
Sets the value of the PutApplName portion of the origin context. | String from 1 to 28 characters long. | MQPUT MQPUT1 |
PUTAPPLTYPE=keyword or =number |
Identifies the type of application that put the message. | If the value is a %variable or a number, it must be within the range -1 to 999,999,999 inclusive.
Otherwise, the value is one of the following keywords:
PUTDATE=value or =%variable |
Sets the value of the PutDate portion of the origin context. | String from 1 to 8 characters long. | MQPUT MQPUT1 |
PUTTIME=value or =%variable |
Sets the value of the PutTime portion of the origin context. | String from 1 to 8 characters long. | MQPUT MQPUT1 |
REPLY_QMGR=name or =%variable |
Name of queue manager for remote queue to place the reply in. | Used only on MSGTYPE=REQUEST
No default. Sets the value of MQMD.ReplyToMGR. String of up to 48 characters. |
REPLY_QUEUE=name or =%variable |
Name of the queue to place the reply in. | Used only on a MSGTYPE=REQUEST.
Default is the name of the queue that contained the request. Sets the values of MQMD.ReplyToQ. Sets the value of MQMD.ReplyToMGR if no REPLY_QMGR option is indicated. String of up to 48 characters. |
REPORT=option+option... or =n |
Report options, which specify:
Options are keywords that you combine with plus signs. The available option keywords are the MQRO_ options.
Alternatively, you can specify a numeric value, either as a literal or a %variable. See WebSphere MQ documentation for the recommended WebSphere MQ documentation, which describes the acceptable numeric values. No default report options are passed. |
SAVE_ALL_CONTEXT | Saves context information when messages are retrieved with MQGET. | Corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQOO_SAVE_ALL_CONTEXT.
Can be specified only if one of the INPUT_* options is also specified. |
SEQUENCE=%variable | For messages that are part of a group and NOT_LOGICAL_ORDER is specified (or is the default), this number specifies the logical position of the message within the group, which need not be the physical sequence in which the messages are written. The logical first message is message sequence 1.
On MQGET operations, this is an input variable used only with the MATCH_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER option. On MQPUT and MQPUT1 operations, this is an input variable that specifies the logical position within the group of the message being written. |
This is a fixed %variable. To retrieve the logical sequence of a message in an MQGET operation, use the DESCRIPTOR option and get the sequence number from the returned MQMD image.
When using SEQUENCE with the MATCH_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER option, you can only match a SEQUENCE greater than 1 within the current group. You cannot, for example, do a repeated BROWSE_NEXT with SEQUENCE 2 to jump from one group to another. |
SET_ALL_CONTEXT | Origin context information is set with values from the APPLORIGINDATA, PUTAPPLNAME, PUTAPPLTYPE, PUTDATE, and PUTTIME options. | Corresponds to the WebSphere MQ option MQPMO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT.
Mutually exclusive with:
SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT | Identity context information is set with values from the ACCOUNTINGTOKEN, APPLIDENTITYDATA, and USERIDENTIFIER fields. | Corresponds to the WebSphere MQ option MQPMO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT.
Mutually exclusive with:
SYNCPOINT (default) | Get and put operations are under transaction control. | Operates on updates for MQCMIT and MQBACK. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
NO_SYNCPOINT | Get and put operations are not under transaction control. | Does not operate on updates for MQCMIT and MQBACK. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
SYNCPOINT_IF_PERSISTENT | This option on the MQGET statement works like SYNCPOINT, but is effective only for persistent messages. | MQGET | |
USERIDENTIFIER='value' or =%variable |
Sets the value of the User identifier portion of the identity context. | String from 1 to 12 characters long. | MQPUT MQPUT1 |
WAIT | Wait, if a message is unavailable. | You can displace a wait.
This option is the alternate to NO_WAIT option. The maximum waiting time is specified with WAIT_TIME. |
NO_WAIT (default) | Do not wait, if a message is unavailable. | Corresponds to the WebSphere MQ option MQGMO_NO_WAIT. | DEFINE QUEUE MODIFY QUEUE |
Maximum time to wait, in milliseconds, if the WAIT option is specified. | Default is 0 milliseconds.
To wait forever, specify a value of UNLIMITED, which corresponds to WebSphere MQ MQWI_UNLIMITED. |