Screen object sample code
Screen class and Screenfield class example code
The following program defines a screen application that displays and scrolls through a set of records. The records are initially obtained via the Fast/Unload User Language Interface from a RecordSet object to a StringList, though this is incidental to the main application details which feature multiple methods from the Screen and ScreenField classes.
R SCRNSTBL 10000 b %rs is object recordSet in file tomdb %ft is object fastUnloadTask %listi is object stringList %listo is object stringList %listr is object stringList %rc float %i float %j float %title is string len 255 %msg is string len 100 * obtain the records that will be displayed find records to %r end find %listi = new %listo = new %listr = new text to %listi FOR EACH RECORD IF TOTAL PREMIUM EXISTS THEN PUT FULLNAME AS STRING(24) PUT STATE AS STRING(24) PUT '$' PUT TOTAL PREMIUM AS STRING PUT '.00' END IF OUTPUT END FOR end text %rc = %rs:fastUnload(%listi, %listo, %listr, parameters='NEBUFF=2') %sscr is object screen %scrtop is object screenField %scrfcmd is object screenField %scrfmsg is object screenField %scrfPF is object screenField %sscral is arraylist of object screenField %sscr = new %sscral = new * separately format top three rows and the bottom row %scrtop = %sscr:addField(row=1, column=1, color=yellow, - width=%sscr:columns - 1, highlight=none) %scrtop:value = $center('August Listing', %sscr:columns - 1) %scrfcmd = %sscr:addField(row=2, column=1, width=%sscr:columns - 1, color=yellow) %scrfmsg = %sscr:addField(row=3, column=1, width=%sscr:columns - 1, color=yellow) %scrfcmd:setCursor %scrfPF = %sscr:addField(row=%sscr:rows, width=%sscr:columns - 2, column=1, - highlight=reverse, color=white) %title = 'PF1=Backward PF2=Forward PF3=Quit' %scrfPF:value = $center(%title, %sscr:columns - 2) * format the data display rows and store in arraylist for %i from 1 to %sscr:rows - 5 %sscral:add(%sscr:addField(row=%i + 3, column=1, width=%sscr:columns - 1, color=green)) if $mod(%i - 1, 5) = 0 then %sscral(%i):highlight = underline %sscral(%i):color = turquoise end if end for * populate the data display arraylist with unloaded data %i = 1 %j = 0 repeat forever for %i from %i to %listo:count %j = %j + 1 if %j > %sscral:count then loop end end if %sscral(%j):value = $lowcase(%listo(%i)) end for for %j from %j to %sscral:count %sscral(%j):value = '' end for * display screen and process user response %sscr:read %scrfmsg:value = '' jump to (f1, f2, f3) %sscr:actionKey:toNumber if %sscr:actionKey:toNumber then %scrfmsg:value = 'Only PF1-PF3 are valid keys' %scrfmsg:color = red %scrfmsg:highlight = reverse else %scrfmsg:value = 'Enter key pressed' %scrfmsg:color = white %scrfmsg:highlight = none end if jump to hl f1: %i = %i - (%sscral:count * 2) if %i < 1 then %i = %listo:count - %sscral:count if %i < 1 then %i = 1 end if %scrfmsg:value = 'Wrapped...' %scrfmsg:color = white %scrfmsg:highlight = none end if %j = 0 jump to hl f2: if %i >= %listo:count then %i = 1 %scrfmsg:value = 'Wrapped...' %scrfmsg:color = white %scrfmsg:highlight = none end if %j = 0 jump to hl f3: loop end hl: end repeat end
The above sample shows many of the Screen and Screenfield class features, coded in a very procedural way. You can also use the screen class to create your own kind of screen in a fully object-oriented way. See the example of a locally-written screen class.
The Janus SOAP manual in PDF format:
The Screen classes page on the Sirius Wiki.
How to use Model 6, or Dynamically Sized screens in Model 204.
Documentation conventions and terminology used in Sirius Software technical documentation.