Release notes for SirScan V7.5

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This document lists the changes that have been made for SirScan version S7.5. It requires Model 204 release 7.5 or higher.

Scan Select Screen (SCANSEL)

Field changes


Bookmarks are a new feature. When turned on (value "Y"), a bookmark line will be created in the display on the SCANLIST page for each successive scan request. Bookmarks are only active if the Interval (Minutes) field is left blanks. The line looks like:

______________________________________________________ BookMark 4: 19:59:37.23 - 19:59:58.90

It shows the bookmark number and the time range for that scan. The bookmarks are sequentially numbered and the message line at the bottom of the screen shows the lasted bookmark id, for example:

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Latest Bookmark: 4

Bookmarks are saved for the session. Hence if SirScan is exited and re-entered during the same session, the previous bookmarks are retained and can be re-displayed. The new bookmark id's will follow on from the last one previously created. This provides an alternative to noting down the time of a scan in cases where the information needs to be re-displayed. Also it is possible to change the Display and Format Entry Types on this screen and re-display the journal lines for a previous bookmark period.

See xxx for more details.

Scan List Screen (SCANLIST)

Field changes

New Command .<boomarkId>

A command in format .<boomarkId> will display the journal lines for the time period for a previously saved bookmark.

Screen display changes

Bookmark Lines

As notes in xxx if the Bookmark setting is turn on "Y", and additional line is displayed separating each bookmark scan period.

Function Keys

PF5/PF6 - Previous/Next Bookmark

PF7/PF8 - line scrolling

The scrolling has been enhanced to scroll based on the position of the cursor when the cursor is in the listing area. If PF8 is pressed then the page scrolls so the line under the cursor becomes the top line. If PF7 is pressed the the line under the cursor becomes the bottom line. The cursor is reset to the Command field so subsequent scrolling will be for full pages.