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Value of request header field

$Web_Hdr_Parm retrieves the value of a request header field.


%string = $Web_Hdr_Parm( fieldname, occurrence, [start], [length] )

Syntax terms

%string A string variable to contain the returned field value, or to contain a null for any error condition.
fieldname The name of the header field, returned by $Web_Hdr_Name. Required argument if occurrence not specified; otherwise optional.
occurrence The occurrence number of a header field, or the occurrence number of the header field matching fieldname, if fieldname is specified. This is an optional argument if fieldname is specified; otherwise it is required.
start Starting position within the field. This is an optional argument which defaults to 1.
length Length to return. This is an optional argument which defaults to the length of the header field. The length of a header field can be determined with $Web_Hdr_Len.

Usage notes

  • Even though "METHOD", "URL", "HTTP", and "ISINDEX" are not named HTTP header parameters, if requested with $Web_Hdr_Parm, the following will be returned for these names:
    METHOD The HTTP method associated with the request.
    URL The URL associated with the request. It will not contain the protocol (http or https) or host name for the request as these are not sent by the browser. The protocol (http or https) can be determined by the $Web_Secure function and the host name sent by the browser can usually be retrieved via the "HOST" header parameter. The "URL" value will also not include the query parameters (the part after a question mark) though these can be retrieved via the "ISINDEX" header parameter.
    ISINDEXThe query parameters in the URL. This is the part of the URL that comes after a question mark and typically has a name=value&name=value... format. For URL parameters in this format, the $Web_Isindex/$Web_URL_Parm functions provide an easy way of getting the components of the URL parameters.
    HTTP The version of HTTP requested by the browser. This is currently almost always going to be "1.1".


The following example places the value of each header parameter into a User Language %variable of the same name.

* Stash the header values in matching fields. %method = $Web_Hdr_Parm( 'METHOD' ) %url = $Web_Hdr_Parm( 'URL' ) %version = $Web_Hdr_Parm( 'VERSION' )

See also