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The output of the MONITOR PROCESS command includes a detail line for each active conversation. Detail line headings, which depend on the intersystem facility monitored, are a subset of those shown in the table below.


Display heading



External user number


Conversation ID For Parallel Query Option/204 processes: Server, displays CCAD2S Client, displays concatenation of processgroup REMOTEID and LINK values


Processgroup name, specified in FROM parameter of process definition


Julian date and time the conversation began


Number of physical sends


Number of physical receives


Session status flags; possible values are:

B (bound)

F (first speaker)

I (inbound)

O (outbound)


Conversation state; possible values are:



CONFCLS (confirm close)


CONFSND (confirm send)




Example of Horizon for VTAM or Horizon for VTAM process

The following is an example of MONITOR PROCESS output for a Horizon process:

MONITOR PROCESS PROCESS1 USER CID PROCESSGRP STARTED SENDS RECVS FLGS STATE ---- -------- ---------- ----------- ----- ----- ---- ----- 3 PROGRAM1 DENVER 93349135723 5 4 BI RECV 4 PROGRAM1 DENVER 93349135803 7 3 BI RECV

In the example:

  • Two conversations are in progress with the process named PROCESS1. The conversations are running as Users 3 and 4.

  • The CID the user assigned in the User Language OPEN PROCESS statement is PROGRAM1.

  • Both conversations were invoked from processgroup DENVER.

  • The time STARTED is shown as the Julian date (93349) and the time-of-day (13:57:23).

  • The number of physical sends and receives (SENDS and RECVS) is shown, as well as the conversation state (STATE) when the MONITOR command was given.

  • The session flags (FLGS) indicate that both conversations are inbound.

Example of Horizon for TCP/IP or Horizon for TCP/IP process

The following is an example of MONITOR PROCESS output for a Horizon for TCP/IP process:

MONITOR PROCESS CCARSQL USER CID PROCESSGRP STARTED SENDS RECVS STATE ---- -------- ---------- ----------- ----- ----- ----- 3 CCARSQL PGUNIX1 94006130621 9 9 SEND 4 CCARSQL PGUNIX1 94006130618 12 12 RECV

In the example:

  • Two conversations are in progress with the Model 204 SQL process CCARSQL. The conversations are invoked from processgroup PGUNIX1 and are running as Users 3 and 4.

  • Since a Connect:cannot supply a CID value, CID is the process name, CCARSQL.

  • The time STARTED is shown as the Julian date (94006) and the time-of-day (13:06:21).

  • The number of physical sends and receives (SENDS and RECVS) is shown, as well as the conversation state (STATE) when the MONITOR command was given.

Example of TPROCESS process

The following is an example of MONITOR PROCESS output for a CICS TPROCESS process:

MONITOR PROCESS PS4CICS USER CID PROCESSGRP STARTED SENDS RECVS FLGS STATE ---- -------- ---------- ----------- ----- ----- ---- ----- 5 PS4CICS PGP4CICS 94069103013 0 0 BFO SEND

In this example:

  • A conversation is in progress with the process named PS4CICS. The user thread number of the conversation is 5.

  • The user assigned no CID in the User Language OPEN PROCESS statement, so by default the CID is the process name.

  • PS4CICS belongs to processgroup PGP4CICS.

  • The time STARTED is shown as the Julian date (94069) and the time-of-day (10:30:13).

  • The conversation state (STATE) when the MONITOR command was given was SEND, and conversation physical sends and receives (SENDS, RECVS) are not counted.

  • In the conversation, the User Language request initiates ("first speaker") and is considered outbound (FLGS=BFO).