M204.0377 Insufficient table space to process request
You attempted to add or change a password table entry using a LOGCTL A
command, but the in-core copy of the password table is not large enough to process the command. The amount of space allocated during initialization for updates to the password table is determined by the value of the LOGADD parameter. Refer to the Login security discussion of the LOGADD parameter.
System manager response: You must rerun Model 204 and retry the command to update successfully. The value of LOGADD must be greater than zero or no updates to the password table are allowed.
Message attributes:
RETCODEO=0 | Sets online return code |
RETCODEB=4 | Sets batch (single user) return code |
CLASS=E | Error class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter |
AUDITER | Writes the message with line type ER to the audit trail |
COUNT | Increments the error count (ERCNT) parameter |