M204.2478 'token' rejected, would overwrite currently active proc
A request to modify a currently active temporary procedure, that is, one that has been included or is the target of concurrent USE PROC or $BLDPROC requests, was denied.
token0 specifies the type of action attempted: $BLDPROC or USE PROC.
Temporary procedures may be modified from within a SOUL request by the USE PROCEDURE command or the $BLDPOC function. If the target procedure for either of these operations is currently active — that is, has been included or is the target of a concurrent USE PROCEDURE command or $BLDPROC function — or is indirectly modified by one of them, the request is rejected.
Response: Direct the output to an inactive temporary procedure, or issue the USE PROCEDURE command from the command level, not from inside a SOUL procedure. When using:
- $BLDPROC function, you can specify any inactive temporary procedure.
- USE PROCEDURE command, the valid temporary procedures vary with the type of action requested. When the action keyword is:
Keyword The temporary procedure specified APPEND or
REPLACECannot be currently active. INSERT Must have an ID number greater (that is, closer to zero) than that specified in the USE PROCEDURE command. SHIFT Cannot be active.
Message attributes:
RETCODEO=0 | Sets online return code |
RETCODEB=4 | Sets batch (single user) return code |
CLASS=E | Error class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter |
AUDITER | Writes the message with line type ER to the audit trail |
COUNT | Increments the error count (ERCNT) parameter |
ECHO | Displays the line that caused the error |