M204.1521 token does not exist or requested access not authorized
The token entity can be the name of a stream or the name of a data set (file) or a process.
Under VS1 or z/OS, the token entity has not been allocated, or access to the entity-name has not been authorized by an active external security mechanism.
Under z/VSE, token cannot be opened for one of the following reasons:
- The file name in the OPEN command (for a Model 204 file), the Open Dataset statement in the SOUL program (for an external file), or the USE command (for a sequential output file) is correct. Otherwise, the file name exceeds seven characters, and no associated DEFINE DATASET command was given before the open.
- If the file is a disk file, its DLBL and EXTENT statements are missing from the JCL, and they do not exist in the partition standard label area nor in the system standard label area.
- If the named external file is a tape file, its TLBL statement is missing from the JCL, the file name is not in the form (SYSnnn), or there was no DEFINE DATASET command to associate the file name with a symbolic unit number (SYSnnn).
- The symbolic unit specified for the named disk file, tape file, or unit record file is unassigned or invalid. (For a sequential file or external file, ASSIGN is a valid assignment.)
- A DEFINE DATASET command is missing for the named stream.
Response: Correct the file name in your command or SOUL statement, and retry the request. If the request fails again, contact your system manager. Under z/OS, where an external security mechanism is providing authorization, verify that you have the authority to use the data set for the request.
System manager response: Under z/OS, check your JCL to ensure there is a DD statement for the data set and that it has been allocated to a valid device. In addition, ensure the user is authorized to access the data set if an external security interface is in operation.
Under z/VSE, check your JCL and the standard label areas to ensure that a DLBL and an EXTENT statement (for a disk file) or a TLBL statement exists, and that the symbolic unit number has been properly assigned. In addition, if a DEFINE DATASET command is required, check to ensure that all its parameters have been entered correctly.
If this problem persists, contact Technical Support.
Message attributes:
RETCODEO=0 | Sets online return code |
RETCODEB=4 | Sets batch (single user) return code |
CLASS=E | Error class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter |
AUDITER | Writes the message with line type ER to the audit trail |
COUNT | Increments the error count (ERCNT) parameter |