M204.2988 VTAM transfer failed, Session Parametes(LOGMODE, Cryptography, or VPACING) not valid
SNA Communications Server (also known as VTAM) rejected the OPNDST triggered by the Transfer's CLSDST=PASS consequent to an invalid session parameter.
Response: Contact your system manager.
System manager response: Examine the MODENAME specification made in the TRANSFER's PROCESSGROUP. Verify that if specified, the MODENAME is defined on the Target System, is available to the Transfer Target LU and specifies values appropriate to an LU 2 Session. If no MODENAME was specified, determine the default LOGMODE for the Target LU and verify the values contained therein are appropriate to an LU 2 Session. Session parameters should be discussed with your SNA Communications Server systems programmer. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.