CASE command

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CASE Mixed/Upper command

You may issue either of the following commands in the Model 204 Full Screen Editor:

CASE Mixed
This command indicates that terminal input is accepted “as is,” without translation to uppercase. This is similar to invoking the *LOWER command prior to entering the Full Screen Editor. The second word of this command, “Mixed”, may be abbreviated to any prefix.
CASE Upper
This command indicates that terminal input is translated to uppercase. This is similar to invoking the *UPPER command prior to entering the Full Screen Editor. The second word of this command, “Upper”, may be abbreviated to any prefix.

This command will not affect the case translation setting (*UPPER/*LOWER) that was in effect “outside” the editor; that is, when you exit the editor, the case translation will be as it was prior to entering the editor.

In addition to the CASE command, the initial case translation setting within the editor can be automatically set to *LOWER, using the '1' bit of the SIREDIT parameter.

Neither the CASE command nor the *UPPER/*LOWER setting affect the input on the editor command line.

The matching of strings (for example, “/subroutine”) can be done in a case-insensitive manner, using the '2' bit of the SIREDIT parameter.