Starts and stops the Sirius Debugger (for debugging 3270, BATCH2, or other non-web applications), and can also be used for debugging programs served by Janus Web Server threads. Connects to a Debugger Client on a workstation, from where debugging is orchestrated via the Client GUI.
The commands SIRIUSDEBUG, SIRDEBUG, and SIRIUS DEBUG are interchangeable. The general form of the command is:
SIRIUSDEBUG command syntax
- The ON subcommand starts a Sirius Debugger session (it requires additional parameters). It can also be used for debugging Janus Web Server threads.
- The OFF subcommand stops a debugging session.
- The SUSPEND and RESUME subcommands discontinue and continue a debugging session.
- The STATUS subcommand gets a status report about the worker threads for the Janus Debugger, the Sirius Debugger], or both.
This command will perform no useful processing unless a site is authorized for the Sirius Debugger (and for Janus Web threads, Janus Debugger). For more information, see the Janus/Sirius Debugger User's Guide.