New (Record constructor)

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Create a new Record object (Record class)

This shared function instantiates a Record object that refers to a record in a group. To create a Record object that refers to a record in file context, use the same-named New method, which has only one required parameter in addition to two optional parameters.

The parameters are applied by the New constructor to the newly instantiated object.


%fileRecord = [%(Record In filOrGrp name):]New( number, [lockStrength], - [LoopLockStrength= lockStrength]) Throws RecordLockingConflict

%groupRecord = [%(Record In filOrGrp name):]New( number, string, - [lockStrength], - [LoopLockStrength= lockStrength]) Throws RecordLockingConflict

Syntax terms

%groupRecord A declared Record object variable in group context.
number The number of the record to which the instantiated Record object will refer.
string For group context, the name of the file that contains the record that the instantiated Record object will reference.
lockstrength The value of a Lockstrength enumeration: None, Share, or Exclusive. These correspond to standard Model 204 record-locking levels, as described below. The default lock strength of the new record object is Share, matching the locking behavior of a User Language For Record Number statement.
Record is not locked.
No locks are held on the object, so there is no conflict with others holding Share or Exclusive locks (readers and updaters may proceed).
Record is share locked.
This level allows other users to hold a Share lock, but not an Exclusive lock (allows readers but not updaters to proceed).
Record is exclusively locked.
This level prohibits others from holding either an Exclusive lock or a Share lock. It is generally used for update.
LoopLockStrength The lock strength to be used for For Record loops on the Record object. This is an optional, name required, parameter, and it defaults to None. See "LoopLockStrength for Records". This parameter is available under Sirius Mods 7.0 and later.

Usage notes

  • New is a constructor and as such can be called with no object, with an explicit class name, or with an object variable, even if that object is null:

    %rec = new(share) %rec = %(Record):new(exclusive) %rec = %rec:new(none)

  • The LockStrength returns the locking level of a Record object.
  • For more information about constructors, see "Creating object instances"
  • For more information about using New, see "Using New to instantiate a Record object".

See also