ContinueAsynchronously (Daemon subroutine)

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Continue processing asynchronously in daemon (Daemon class)

[Introduced in Sirius Mods 8.1]

This method tells a daemon that did a ReturnToMaster Daemon class call to continue processing at the point of the call. Unlike the Continue method, ContinueAsynchronously returns immediately, thus allowing the thread that issued ContinueAsynchronously to run in parallel with the daemon thread.


daemon:ContinueAsynchronously[( [Input= object])] Throws DaemonLost, IncorrectDaemonState

Syntax terms

daemon A previously defined Daemon object.
inputObj This optional, name allowed, argument is either:
  • An object passed to the daemon thread. This object must be deep copyable, as described in: "Copying objects".
  • A Boolean value. If a Null object


This subroutine can throw the following exceptions:

If the daemon thread is not in the appropriate state, an IncorrectDaemonState exception is thrown. This exception will only be thrown in Sirius Mods version 8.1 and later.

Usage notes


See also