RETRVKEY parameter

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Default value
Parameter type
Where set
By any user
Related products
Model 204 V6.1 or earlier


The 3270 full screen terminal PF (Program Function) key, which retrieves previous input lines

Valid settings of RETRVKEY are:


No retrieve PF key is available for this user. This user's previous lines are no longer available, and any storage allocated for retrieving lines is released.

If RETRVKEY was previously 0, storage is allocated for retrieving input lines that are entered after the RESET RETRVKEY command is issued.


The PF key designated can be used to retrieve previous lines for this user.

If RETRVKEY was previously 1-24, the user's previous input lines are available by pressing the PF key designated by the new value of RETRVKEY.

When a user logs out of Model 204, the value of RETRVKEY for that thread is reset to the value that occurred on the user parameter line for that thread, and the lines entered by that user are made unavailable.