STATUS command: Listing file recovery information
- Privileges
- Any user (only the system manager or the system administrator can list information about all files)
- Function
- Lists recovery information about one or more files
STATUS filename
Where: filename is the name of a Model 204 file that was opened during the run (by a user or a RESTART command). If the file name is omitted, status information is listed for all files opened during the run.
Usage notes
If you issue a USE command prior to issuing STATUS, all output from the STATUS command is routed to the USE data set or printer. The USE device is closed when the STATUS command concludes.
The STATUS command displays recovery information about a specified file or about all the files opened during the run.
One or two lines of information are listed for each file, in the form:
filename: current-status RESTART-status
current-status | indicates special conditions that can affect discontinuities and future recovery of the file. current-status values are shown in the table below.
RESTART-status | appears only for a file that participated in recovery in the current run. The values of RESTART-status are shown in the following table. The checkpoint facility is detailed in the Model 204 System Manager's Guide
When running Parallel Query Option/204 for client users with open remote files, the display includes the following information:
filename: status (REMOTE FILE), LOCATION: name1 ONLINE: name2
filename is the actual (non-synonym) name of the remote file.
Note: Parallel Query Option status shows only the open files that are being run locally, not remote files.
name1 is the symbolic name of the file's remote location as specified in the DESTINATION parameter of a local DEFINE PROCESS command.
name2 is the value of the CCAIN parameter LOCATION in the server Online.